
I'm violently uncomfortable with the idea too, but I'm neither a token vagina (ummm I think you mean vulva) nor a representative for feminism and religiousity rolled into one, so I guess I missed my chance to be a blithering idiot about it on tv. Damn.

I used withdrawal for 4 years and it worked for me. I kept EC in my bedside table and used it on a few occasions for slip ups. I peed and he peed and both washed our hands and his parts between sessions if we were gonna go again. We had sex 5-7 times a week on average. I think it works! He does have incredible

Yeah, but you also know so many wonderful children and adults, but we still support abortion rights. Right?

I don't think commercial surrogacy should be illegal. I think it should be legal and regulated as it is here.

I don't think I'd have done that, either. But there is a part of me that says that choosing to have a child you know is unwanted is not a smart thing to do, and it's a situation she chose. But mostly, my response was to the people who act like it's a crime to want to abort a child with developmental difficulties.

Of course all children cost you. But if I told you this could cost you $10 or $100, you would of course take that into consideration. I did not suggest that DS children are less than. I simply said there are costs and considerations and for some families, they are too much to bear. Some families make other choices,

I'm not talking about babies. I'm talking about fetuses.

Sure, but she chose to use her body for someone else's child. She is giving up all kinds of say: what religion they are raised in, how they are patented, etc etc. you can't contract to birth a child, and then not abort when the mother would have and then expect her to raise the child anyway. What did she think would

Oh please. Label someone ableist because they discriminate or inhibit people who are in our world, living their lives. A fetus is not a person. Choosing not to continue a pregnancy that will cost you - emotionally, financially, etc - is a logical and understandable choice. Also, they could very well already have

Otherwise known as a LADYCAVE.

You're assuming he's attempting intimacy. He's attempting sex, which isn't the same thing. I agree that there is something going on, but I would not be remotely surprised if his "attempts" are poking her with his dick in the middle of a tv show. And you have to admit that his communication methods suck. Did he think

Seriously. If he says they were 20 minutes early for something implying that they totally had time for sex and a shower, he's doing it wrong.

Treatment. If someone is found incompetent, they aren't just set free. They are hospitalized UNTIL they are competent. So therefore NOT victimizing anyone else. The major "gain".


No, I haven't ever been sold or purchased for sex. I'm a person, not an object, and those terms don't apply to adult humans choosing sex work. If you hire someone to clean your house or a doctor to examine you or a companion to wipe your ass you are not purchasing them. You don't own them. You are purchasing services.

Exactly. When people stop equating sex trafficking with sex work, there will no longer be the notallsexworkers. When people stop using sex trafficking as an excuse to stigmatize, marginalized and jail consenting adults, these debates will stop happening.

This I agree with, which makes it hard to be an activist because you can't maintain anonymity. My solution is legalization and regulation like porn.

I never said they were all happy. But they have chosen this work, prefer it to other work. And of 30 of any workers, how many of them are delighted with their work? Most people work for money and few people are lucky enough to do a job they'd do for free. And yes, the majority of my girlfriends are or were sex

Yes, I agree. There are a lot of people with substance problems, period. A lot of those people are in or fall into poverty and poverty can push people into theft or larceny or prostitution. But a lot of upper class people are addicts of one kind or another too, just have an easier time obtaining theirs, so don't have