
Ain't nobody got time for that. She's been super busy being on tour for her album. Doing a medley of all her performances for her recent tour was the smartest thing to do for the situation. It's not like culling an entire tour/album to 17 minutes isn't difficult enough as it is.

Oh, please, what he said was off the cuff and I'm sure he actually believes that and, like most young white cis dudes, has never even once analyzed his own behavior in relationship to his feelings on women and girls and his future hypothetical daughter.

that's what i thought, too, i got really worried for him :(((

That cat actually looks terrified. Cats don't usually pant except when they are under stress. Poor little guy.

But you understand that saying "sex-moppets" have no other use than gratification is *inherently* demeaning, right? Sex workers, which Miley is not, do have worth beyond what they do for a living. Hell, my husband's friend in law school was unbelievably smart and now works in a top-tier firm. However, she also doubled

Except his latest video IS IN A FUCKING STRIP CLUB.

I'm just so distracted by Usher's awful attempt at pretending to play bass. It looks so awkward and what the hell was the point of it even? Maybe the choreographer was hoping if he gave Usher something to do with his hands, he wouldn't be able to paw at Nicki Minaj. But I guess Usher was too resourceful for that ploy,

yeah, but you are not (I assume) a stripper. Ed Sheeran's latest music video takes place in a strip club. So it's a little hypocritical of him to be all "I wouldn't want any daughter of mine to be a stripper like Miley" based on her music video, while totally being okay with attending a strip club, based on his

George Will, is that you?

It is also often uttered by people who have no children and generally have no idea what they are even talking about.

if he had a daughter,i'm sure she wouldn't like dear old daddy collaborating with rapist ross. "he's such a sweetheart,rright?" i can't stand men who say such things. those female fans you fuck and the porn actresses you watch are daughters too,ya funny looking prick. you never fooled me with your "sweet guitar guy

Ugh, Ed Sheeran just lost major points with me. I absolutely loathe people that use the "If I had a daughter, she wouldn't do x" argument for things they don't like. It reflects the mindset that girls are still their father's property.

I'm not going to lie, when she did that, my throat may have closed up a little and my eyes might have gotten a little wet... I am a sucker for that shit.

like honestly what the fuck is this. usher what the fuck are you doing.

I loved that vine. Its such a sweet, non orchestrated moment that every parent can relate to.

He's totally like "Hey did anyone else see how adorable my baby is or was I the only one?"

omg jay-z's face in that last vine. that whole thing is priceless.

I get the feeling that the ass slap at the end might not have been in the choreography either. Maybe I'm projecting but doesn't Minaj have a "WTF" look on her face just at the end?

The look she gives him at the end is a little bit like, "WTF, dude..."

if I may offer an opinion, he did it too aggressively for this to work. She didn't look into it because she was worried about her balance, and he looked like the jerk on the dance floor copping too many feels.