
He shot himself in the back without a gun! No wait, he shot himself in the chest without a gun, while his hands were cuffed behind his back! But no, he had a third arm we just didn't know what to do with because there are only two cuffs! No wait, he stole an officer's gun and held a white child hostage! Actually, he

His dad sounds like one of those guys who are so sure they're thinking some super deep thoughts but come across as uneducated, sexist idiots. There are way too many folks like that out there.

I would cancel the appt and reschedule for next week. Say your car is in the shop or you are going out of town. Most likely, you'll talk to the receptionist and won't even have to give a reason. My roommate from college tested positive for pot when pregnant(she had hyperemesis, this was literally the only way she

I had a drug test in the early stages of my pregnancy. I told them that i smoked a few joints before i knew i was pregnant, and that i would probably fail. They were like, don't worry about it.

At the very least she should be learning grammar if she's promoting education.

Except even then women can't really dress how they want, someone will tell them what to wear, when to wear it, and how long it needs to be to do so, be it a stranger on the streets, a boss, professor, police, judge, jury, or even a partner.

In the backward cluserfuck that is Oklahoma, there is no matter more important than protecting their precious teenage flowers from the siren song of slutdom.

That is inappropriate behavior from a Superintendent. Sounds like she doesn't have enough to do as an administrator and head of the district if she has time to actively monitor the dress code violators. Most "Supers" leave that type of thing to the principals who are the leaders of the campuses, and so they can take

"He just thinks it's something he likes to do."

Isn't it fucking horrible when a rapist can admit it before the rest of society?

I don't know what kind of doctor needs to get so close that a patient can feel what's in his pocket, if indeed that's the story he wants to stick to. Fail.

Frankly, even if it was a bottle in his pocket, if he's close enough that it's rubbing against someone repeatedly, that's still inappropriate. Keep your groin away from your patients.

Yep. My students (I've had everything from college freshmen to just-about-to-graduate seniors) are definitely having issues with this. They don't seem to "get" that everyone does NOT get an A, that's it really not possible for everyone to earn an A because some people simply show more aptitude than others


Wait, WHAT inevitable piss dribble stain? Men constantly dribble pee?

"You know what? No. Your whiny baby doesn't deserve a prize if they lost"

By staring at them and pointing their dick at them while masturbating.

I played competitive sports as a kid. I also competed in musical and performance competitions, spelling bees, and was a force to be reckoned with on the debate team.

Truth. When I first remembered what happened, after subconsciously putting it in the back of my brain for years - I was intensely humiliated and upset. I really was pissed at myself for putting myself in that situation. That has abated, because I realize I have a right to be drunk and not be assaulted at the same

What's worse is that some women blame themselves. Like I was drunk or I put myself in that situation or I maybe came on to the other person or I just let my guard down. It's one thing to be scared of what other people my say or think. That's horrible enough, but for a man or woman that was assaulted to have those