She forgot to include a homosexual slur so I'm going to say it didn't quite cross the goal-line.
She forgot to include a homosexual slur so I'm going to say it didn't quite cross the goal-line.
"Son of a nigger loving atheist bitch" BOOM HAT TRICK.
I was rear ended at a stop light by a dude going 40 miles an hour. He totaled my car. I got out and exchanged insurance information with him. I didn't go on a racist tirade & threaten to kill him because I am not, in fact, clinically insane.
when is it okay to threaten to kill someone's children? If this had been a black dude threatening a white suburban housewife do you think you would be making excuses for him right now?
I'm from Boston, even in my worst moments I haven't yet that kind of racist dribble. I doubt that in "fear" we randomly blurt our most hateful racist commentary.
I can't help but lol at her for calling him both an Atheist and a Muslim in the same breath.
Well, its the same as being gay and married to a woman and not cheating. You will never be intimate with a person you are attracted to. Except if you are gay, you can get a divorce and head to San Fransisco and meet Mr. Right. You can't under any circumstances touch children.
Well, not me. My skills include eating and napping.
Given that they did not invent antiseptic and anesthetic until about halfway into the Victorian Era. I'm very doubtful that it happened at all.
Jessica, I am so proud of you for standing up for your site, your authors and your commenting community.
This moron just referred to herself as a "token vagina." That right there tells you all you need to know about her view of the worth of women as human beings.
Is it just me, or has this stuff gotten infinitely worse since the early days of the internet? I was online a lot in high school and college, and I don't remember seeing shit like this going on. It's possible I just wasn't hanging out in the right corners of the internet, but good God, what the hell is wrong with…
On Monday, we posted an open letter to the management of Gawker Media, our parent company, regarding an ongoing…
And men wonder why we 'don't just stand up for ourselves'
This is precisely why women are scared of standing up for themselves when being cat called. Not only can harassers go ballistic like this, but they also, usually, cowardly "travel" in large packs.
This kinda says everything about the real motivation behind a lot of catcalling, huh?
A man is in the hospital after he was attacked for defending a group of women who were being harassed on the street,…
No. The one in the middle.
Does anyone else remember the guy that sued a salon because they charged a few bucks more for men's manicures than women's? He compared himself to Rosa Parks and the internet ate it up. But when people brought up that woman with straight hair needing a simple haircut was twice the price of a curly haired man's…