
Earlier this month a pair

Does this remind anyone else of that time Rose developed some old film to discover a photograph of Blanche with Charlie, Rose's late husband? Only in that case it was a double exposure.

I used to be a Kindergarten teacher and the first lesson I learned was that children, almost without exception, are all little sociopaths.

Leaving aside all judgment on promiscuity and health concerns, I just feel like this is an awful lot of work for one measly little drink.

Yes. There's a major difference between sex work customers and people who support sex slavery/trafficking, and equating the two only denies sex workers their agency and sex traffic victims their position as victims.

Your President('s Twitter account) is feeling a little cheeky today.

The discussion was brought up because the OP equated this situation that involves sex trafficking with Belle Knox. The reason people are having such a discussion is because that person decided to equate the two. People are having a discussion about it that pretty much makes your point, as far as I can see. Thanks!

Not necessarily to you, ThisMonkeys, but definitely to other people in the thread: can we acknowledge that drug addiction is not part and parcel of sex work? Yes, there are a lot of sex workers with drug addictions, but the problem there is drug addiction, not the sex work. There are a lot of politicians with drug

Of course these lines are not clean. They're about as messy as they can get because some people are coerced into the industry, but end up staying later on their own volition and others do not fully comprehend the problems that come along with the job. The reason why these workers (mainly women) are not considered to

there's a huge difference between sex workers and human trafficking/child prostitution.

It seems as though this article is talking about trafficking (involuntary and often underage) not people doing sex work voluntarily. Do you understand the difference between those?

I guess because not everyone agrees with Belle Knox? (I assume especially those in charge of enforcing the laws that make it illegal!)

Excuse me, but according to 80 percent of carbohydrate eaters, Kraft Easy Mac and Cheese is the greatest carb on the planet. I am just speaking to you as food eater.

I have a bucket of statistics from my personal observations. Statistic one, Saltines are 100% the best carbohydrate on the planet. I'm just speaking as a cracker lover. Stay tuned for more.

"That particular statistic is from my personal observations. I'm just speaking here as a dude."

You can't buy IUDs at the drugstore, dipshit.

Not if we peons had decent public transport LIKE WE PAY EXORBITANT TAXES TO GET BUT NEVER DO.

I fucking hate the iPhone and its PC bullshit auto-correct.

This. "Retarded" was the go-to synonym for "stupid" when I was growing up. I know know that it's not okay, but sometimes it slips out if I'm wound up about something. I always correct myself with a less-offensive word, but it still happens sometimes. He was in a situation where correcting himself wasn't really going