
Oh come on now, Levine will fuck anything on legs - including a table. And Franco? He was just lucky to get some. They're both LIARS! They hit that in a second.

"He made me call my grandmother ..."?

You say cute, Katy. I say patronizing and gross.

Since I normally wouldn't give a squirt of piss about what either of these "celebrities" do, I need to preface this by saying that I only happened to hear this episode of Stern at the shop while my motorcycle was getting an oil change yesterday.

Your experience is that most people who discuss suicide are doing it for attention? Or did I read that wrong?

Yeah I agree. I have pretty high levels of social anxiety and after her SNL debacle I remember thinking that if people were making fun of me to that level in the national media, I honestly do not know if I would be able to take it.

I'm reminded very much of Allie Brosh's comics on depression here. (especially part 2: " The syrupy, over-simplified optimism started to feel almost offensive.")

I never understood the thinking behind "Oh just ignore them, he/she's just doing it for attention" when it comes to suicidal thoughts or actions. Even if that is the case fuck, pay attention then! If someone insists that they want to be dead then SOMETHING is going on, even if it's not life or death. The fact that

I've been depressed my whole life. I've seen therapists, taken pills, and while they are helpful nothing ever fixes me permanently. The only thing that came close was meditation. When I meditated everyday for a week or two many years ago, I got this foreign feeling of love and peace, and just "knowing" everything was

I'm obviously not your therapist or doctor, but as a mental health professional and lifelong depressed person myself, I am only now realizing the power of finding the exact right medication for oneself through persistence and pedagogy on one's own organism.

"People who merely speak of death and suicide don't actual want to die, they do it for the attention."

Then you release critically acclaimed albums about it.

Now playing

If you liked that, make sure to check out the "before the compromise"

Now playing

Apparently, it took a lot of this to reach that point:

I loved his reaction to that death stare. "oh don't look at me like that, oooo don't fly please don't fly!"

Is the ritzy little town Tiburon? I could absolutely see those things happening there.

You speak the truth. When I lived in San Francisco, I once called the police to ask them to send someone over to help me deal with the homeless man laying in front of my front door, blocking my ability to get into my building. The police were like, wake him up and ask him to move, scaredy cat!

I don't get the "pacifist martial artist" thing.

Robert S. reminds me of a guy I got a ride with when I spent a few weeks in Alaska. When he found out that I was Canadian, he told me a story about how he was driving through Edmonton back in the 80s, and stopped at a diner for lunch. He asked for a glass of water with it, and when he got the bill, saw that he'd been