
I believe that these days businesses are required to maintain PC standards until bankruptcy.

And you know what happens now.

Sources say they've already started laying off workers.

Congratulations, Mark! Scientists tell me that your use of hyperbole in headlines has become even more prolific than J.J. Abrams' use of lens flare!

My apologies in advance for what I am about to say.

Personally, I've never been a fan of flirty waitresses. It always comes off as phony and manipulative to me. Just try to be somewhat pleasant and don't make me beg for refills, that's all I ask. I understand it's probably the only way to get some people to fork over a tip, but it sort of rubs me the wrong way.

This is pretty adorable. I wonder how Fox News/Drudge will spin this into some horrible event.

That sidesteps my point. If you maintain that bloggers aren't required to adhere to the same standards as legitimate journalists, then you shouldn't be criticizing people for doing what you advocate.

No offense, really, but I have seen authors here on Jez (and other Gawker sites) claim that bloggers are not journalists and are not required to maintain the same standards. Yet in this piece bloggers stand accused of tossing aside their journalistic integrity for money. It just seems a little odd to me.

Actually, these folks have been around for years and seem to be doing just fine.

Amen. I have this weird thing about hating to see feet. Also, no flip-flops in the business office!

I didn't say anything about PCSO because I have no experience with them. It's why I restricted my comment to the guy from FDLE.

Oh, man, that FDLE employee could be in some deep crap. Florida state agencies get super pissy when employees talk to the press. Usually they're supposed to kick those sorts of things to their legal department.

I agree. I don't really get the adoration the entire Gawker network seems to shower upon her.

While I'm sad to see Nasim Pedrad move on, she was almost criminally underused last season on SNL and it will be nice to see her get screen time somewhere.

Now playing

Granted, I have not seen Rachael Ray's new show (and I don't intend to) but from the commercial, it looks like it was lifted straight from this video:

I understand the company is renegotiating the bill because the reactivation was their fault. These people knew the deal, though, and probably should have been on the hook for the original £1,000 bill racked up prior to that. I hope they appreciate how lucky they are. I know this will likely be an unpopular thought,

Amen. Lindelof is also guilty of Prometheus. He really needs to go away.

I guess Michael Che likes to think he's funny and all, but that tweet really rubs me the wrong way.

But ABC News reports she was thwarted by the policies and procedures of the North East Independent School District, where sunscreen is verboten. Banana Boat is banned. Verboten. Coppertone is contraband.