
I'm going to donate in the hopes that I win and can spend the day talking about Wild Cards and not that other little series he's writing. :D

Dagnabbit! Where's your PayPal link? I'm totally in.

I was going to say pretty much the same thing. She's likely trying to save face so the public doesn't perceive her as being cheated on, as if anyone is really surprised when celebrities cheat on each other. The timing is just way suspicious.

You and me, both.

Finding out she's involved with this tool has put a crimp in my love of all things Chenoweth.

I am another who was going to say just that.

Look, I try very hard not to be a complete asshole around here, but I've had a bit of the booze tonight. I feel as though I need to make a comment about 'space' being the space between her ears, but I also feel as though a musing of that variety would get me in hot water. I am quite torn in this matter.

Unpopular opinions time:

Actually, the statue was never supposed to be unveiled yesterday. Someone apparently got their wires crossed. The guys who set up the statue Kickstarter sent this out yesterday afternoon:

Florida here as well. After kindergarten, we were not allowed to wear shorts in school. It gets hot here, sure, but people weren't dropping like flies because they had to wear long pants. I get it though, hyperbole.

I, too, remember reading somewhere that in the past she claimed she wasn't (or didn't want to be, I don't remember specifically) a role model. But now she's criticizing others for not being enough of one. I'm not entirely sure what to think about her sometimes. I'd like to believe she'd take her own words to heart,

I love how he keeps looking over his shoulder before reaching out and sliding the bowl a little bit. Oh, Oscar, never change you little rapscallion you.

Most places carry them year round. I know the local Publix and Walmart have them all the time. The assortment is comprised of Reds (Cherry), Pink (Strawberry), and Other Pink (Watermelon). Strawberry is, as is common in all Starburst assortments, short packed.

To be fair to your comment, Moffat does seem to like to write his characters into a corner and then have them resolve the situation with some overly hand-waving type solution that just screams "Look how clever I am!", often in the form of a big reset button.

It really depends. Disneyland has a higher standard of maintenance and is usually thick with locals. WDW is mostly staffed by college kids on the CP and preventative maintenance has effectively gone the way of Horizons. Despite covering a massive amount of acreage, WDW management is more concerned with building hotel

Yay! At least someone around here isn't a heathen! :D

Hrm. There was a long comment on privilege here that linked to an article off-site. Now it appears to be gone. I suppose I should have grabbed that link when I first saw it. Oh well. Snoozing and losing and all that jazz.


While, at first blush, it may appear that I am on the side of no socks with sandals, I am actually way off over here on my own in No-Sandals/Flip-Flops-At- All Land. I have an almost pathological aversion to feet and if we let people wear sandals with socks, they could take those socks off. My delicate sensibilities

I have to agree. Although I may be flogged for it, I do not find her to be a very good actress.