
On one hand: Yay, she's got a book coming out!

Truthfully, I think Weekend Update has hit a rough patch, so I can see where you're coming from easily. As for her not really being your cup of tea, I can understand that. If everyone liked the same thing the world would be a pretty boring place.

I adore Cecily Strong and I am not ashamed to admit it.

Her self-described complexion does not match the header image. One of those things is a terrible, terrible lie.

As we unfortunately know all to well from real life examples,

Thanks. I'll have to track that article down.

When did BuzzFeed begin its transformation into a legitimate news outlet? I'm seeing articles all over the place lately where they're breaking stories and people involved are releasing statements directly to them.

Last time I checked, the knee was a joint. (Yes, I know the patella itself is a bone.) Did it get downgraded, like Pluto?

Such an underappreciated work of art.

I look forward to making these at home in my Tracy Jordan Meat Machine.

Thank you, Andy Richter.

I have no words! :D

Yes! I love Debi Mazar and I will watch her in absolutely anything!

I find myself unsurprised at this turn of events. Presenting a consistent message around here gets jettisoned quickly when content authors feel the need to look down on or get judgemental about other people.

Add getting caught in a fisherman's net to the list of horrible things masturbation can do to you.

I was going to say just that.

I could not agree with you more. It's laughable how they go out of their way to excuse Beyonce but if it were anyone else, they would have let loose the hounds of snarky judgement.

I'm starting to get the impression that I may be the only person left on the internet who has zero interest in this Girl Meets World thing. If this was a sequel series to, say, Mr. Belvedere, I'd be all over it.

Nope. The Bacon AM Crunchwrap is delicious. The cheese in the ones they're serving me is the same, spicy, permanent liquid cheese that's on their nachos. It's also the only item on their breakfast menu that didn't come slathered in grease. The Waffle Taco is a thoroughly disgusting mess, though, as are the Breakfast

The car probably should have gotten top billing. It was probably the most significant character in the thing.