
It was one of my favorites as a kid (to be fair, I'm pretty sure I wanted to be Lee Majors and watched everything he made for a time). I hadn't even realized it was on MST3K! I need to see if I can track a copy down now and see how well my memory holds up.

As I commented in someone else's discussion, I thought I was the only one who remembered this thing! Now I find out we are legion!

Holy crap! I thought I was the only one who remembered this movie!

You and me both, pal.

I cannot tell you how many times I was ragged when I told people I went to see Baby Mama. It wasn't a perfect film by any means, but darn if it wasn't entertaining to watch the two of them on screen.

Over the last few years, it's seemed to me that she's slowly turning into Debi Mazar. But I feel guilty for thinking that because I actually like Debi Mazar. ScarJo I find insufferable.

Except ScarJo is simply a contraction of her name and not some condescending term of faux-affection like honey. Maybe she should just grow up a bit and realize the world isn't going to change to suit her every whim.

Geez, you Goldieblox executives are kind of high strung.

This time they seem to have lifted an entire ad campaign. I wonder if the ad agency that cooked up those PSAs will get sued by Goldieblox soon.

Hate me if you must, but I'm kind of liking Katy Perry's hair here. Granted it's not a clear shot, but I do sort of dig it.

So, Yale Stops Threatening to Kick Woman Out of School for Being Too Skinny, might have been a more up-to-date title.

As a matter of fact, I am, though an insurance SNAFU has prevented my latest refill. I don't really appreciate the attitude. Even if I wasn't, you act as though I'm some sort of habitual user of the phrase spamming it up and down the site. Please stop trying to dictate what sort of language I may use.

So an actor fails to live up to the romanticized ideal his fans created of him and he's the one with the problem? OK, gotcha.

Heaven forbid anything interfere with FSU football.

Totally unrelated to this poor kid's plight, and it dates me something awful, but seeing the name Barth always conjures this into my brain.

Anna Kendrick is so freaking adorable, you guys.

I love her so much it's crazy! She's such a delight in everything.

You'd be better off hitting some of the other Disney parks around the world. WDW's been going steadily downhill for years. Tokyo, in particular, is amazing and Mystic Manor at HKDL is almost worth a trip by itself.

Yes! I came to see if anyone had mentioned this. It had me going for a minute, because I saw it in my email first thing this morning. Then I remembered what today was and wised up. They did a good job on that.