Welp, that's it. The internet has reached its peak. Unplug the tubes and pack 'em away. It's all downhill from here. Thanks for the good times, Burt.
Welp, that's it. The internet has reached its peak. Unplug the tubes and pack 'em away. It's all downhill from here. Thanks for the good times, Burt.
Kind of an entertaining flick though, as I recall.
That was kind of awesome. It got a little dusty in here while I was watching that.
Naya Rivera's transformation into Kim Kardashian looks like it's coming along nicely.
And the difference between there/their/they're.
Yes! I support this viewing party wholeheartedly!
I have never been able to eat Peeps. Bleargh. It's like chowing down on a marshmallow covered in sand. It totally gives me the willies to think about it.
You will be my hero!
Nothing to be embarassed about. She owned this.
I haven't seen this! I shall have to track it down. Thanks for the heads up!
Oh, Angela Lansbury, you are so very awesome in every single way!
It can be worse. I am not only a diabetic, but I am a diabetic who is allergic to Splenda. I don't drink soda any longer, but at least there were options with beverages when I did. Sugar-free and Splenda (or sucralose-free) snacks are near impossible to find these days. At least around here.
Wait, Gawker media employees are considered journalists now? Standards really have slipped these days.
Hence my question. Perhaps I should have said 'sponsored post in the guise of a regular post' instead of calling it stealthy. The point still stands. It's less of an article than an advertisement.
Is she possibly disapproving of the image or Branson? It's hard to tell what she is for or against sometimes.
Did I just get suckered in by a stealthy sponsored post? It sure reads like one.
I find myself slightly irked for some reason at Solange's tweet.
Heck, I don't think she needs anyone to stand in front of her. She's shown that she's more than capable of shutting down fools when the need arises. Bell rules.
Dear GRRM,