
Never forget Beat ‘em and Eat ‘em.

Oh goodie, now humanity will always remember such gems of video game artistry such as this:

Get out of here. You know that the Munchkins are not sending their best and brightest. The Munchkins are sending rapists and criminals. They’re bringing problems with them. They’re bringing drugs, and they’re bringing crime. And a few Munchkins, I assume, are good people.

You lit those strawmen the fuck up. Bravo, sir.

It was a very political choice. This Land Is Your Land is a Woody Guthrie song with a lot of forgotten verses-

This took place in Florida...that is all the extra info you need.

we want a different kind of moon on it instead.

Oh please. We ALL know what the Nier: Automata PS4 should’ve REALLY looked like...

Never forget

Trump doesn’t want to be President. In about two weeks, everyone will be so fucking pissed at him that he’ll just walk away from it all, stating that he’ll “continue to fight for you”.....just not as President. Mike Penis will take over, not do anything, and be soundly defeated in 2020.

Was it intentional to post this right after the Thrustmaster review?

Great, now you’ve reminded me of that video from some Russian guy who squats down naked in front of the camera and forcibly shoves an empty jar up his lubed-up asshole, where it promptly implodes into many small shards with an audible pop! and which he then proceeds to dig out piece by piece amidst a considerable

Fuck. I’ve never read that before.

I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is

“I know this is bittersweet for the Feld family, but I applaud their decision to move away from an institution grounded on inherently inhumane wild animal acts,”

Operation Rescue = Christian terrorism.

Never give up on nudity!