Mac-only shooter trilogy
Mac-only shooter trilogy
How about the key merchant from Faxanadu? The sleepy eyes, the joint hanging out of his mouth... I mean look at him - the dude’s stoned as fuck. The first thing you buy from him is something called “Key J”. Remember, if you go in his head key shop, don’t mention any illegal substances, and all keys are for door use…
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
10. Grand Theft Auto V
Konami revealed it’s finally ready to announce what’s next for the cult-favorite horror franchise later this week.
I hope we get some lore about the mad freaking scientist who just up and decided one day to transplant a dragon heart into a giant-ass bear. “Screw your magic, this is science, bitches!”
Devs should get Amon Amarth to do the soundtrack and call the game “Versus The Squirrel”. Also give the squirrel a little viking helmet.
As a lover of the retro-woodgrain look (seen on old consoles like the 2600 and Intellivision), I was going to was going to say “No woodgrain, so sale!”. Then I realized these assholes would probably just charge me $150 extra during preorder for a fucking NFT JPEG of woodgrain paneling and [not] ship me the black…
3D Dot Game Heroes 2 plz k thx.
TL;DR: Circus full of assclowns.
Duke Nukem Forever: the gift that keeps on giving.
Russian helicopter, go fuck yourself.
The loathsome Dung Eater.
Please tell me there will be a location shoot at the Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota.