
WTF America.

Centipedes are the ones that bite. So it could be worse!

All bark and no bite!


failed fuck soap”

Now playing

Those kind of warrior skeletons remind me of this song every time.

All I’m sayin’ yo.

“I’ll give you a topic: One of the handsomest billionaires ever is neither handsome nor a billionaire. . . .”

If God did send us Donald Trump, I’m pretty comfortable signing myself up for Satan’s hordes. I mean, if we ever needed a clear sign of which side we should be on in this whole thing and who the real bad guy is, I feel like Trump would be it

Vomit emoji

I get your joking but fuck off with that. 3 am is the middle of my work day. I’m not alone, and many of us night folk are eagerly looking forward to voting Hillary in a few days. Don’t throw us under the bus because Donald doesn’t sleep socially excepted hours.

Her swatstika looks so wrong that I half wondered if it was purposeful and I just didn’t the reference. None of those lines should look like the letter Z.

loved that game. totally wanted to see other superhero games based on a similar model.

Yeah, maybe if all you wanted to do with Superman was “fly thing from point A to point B.”

A ‘good Superman game’ is a tall order, sir. Many great minds have left that puzzle more confounded than when they started.

Wholly, completely disagree. I have a lab mix and a pit mix, and lived with my mom and her two cats for a year. These are my empirical and scientifically meritorious conclusions, based on approximately one year of observation and data collection:
1.) My lab has literally the worst farts ever. LITERALLY THE WORST.

I refuse to pray for the Oilfields until I get my Baphomet Statute at the state capital:

Goddamn. The butthurt from his supporters after the election will be something to behold. You going to write about Trump’s using Russian propaganda at his rally last night?

Don’t watch CNN.