
Re: hacking its brains out

Yeah, I’m really interested in the Lynx compatibility. Never had a Lynx, and only ever played a real one on one occasion, but it was definitely a nice and underappreciated piece of hardware.

As Zegota mentioned, they might allow a semi-official jailbreak firmware which would enable ROM loading from an SD card, and Kevtris might throw in a few extra retro-cores for other systems (as he did with the Mega SG and NT Mini). Also note that the Pocket will have a second FPGA chip and an official devkit for

[Sees Alien Syndrome]

when an Animal Crossing character triggers that rumble (by digging a hole, or hitting something with a shovel, etc), its reflected in a vibrating buttplug.

Man-machine Thomas was a boss in Wings of Wor.

Not Thomas related, but holy fuck those shirts are ugly.

Allow me.

Dog: “I don’t know this guy, honest!”

“He second-guessed people’s motives, saw conspiracies behind rocks, and remained stunningly uninformed on how to run the White House, let alone the huge federal government,” Bolton writes, describing the president as “erratic” and eager to indulge his “reality TV showmanship.”


Only one thing to do then... seal them up in a large steel structure a la Chernobyl.

Duke Nukem Forever: the gift that keeps on giving!

I keep hoping one day From Software will give us Bort Souls.

At this point I’m gonna need a few whole galaxies between me and anything that resembles a red state.

Maybe all of the game makers who appeared in front of the camera weren’t running on a PS5, but were still fancied up in post-production with special effects.

I want one in woodgrain and brass. Make it happen, Sony!

Wonder if Richard Gere ever stuck one in that hole...

and you can’t help but feel like you’re steeping in a medley of questionable body odor and grime.

Wow, it’s a good thing Biden is chock full of that magical “electability” stuff everyone was talking about, otherwise I’d be worried!