You should explain keels to your friend. In depth. With pictures :)
You should explain keels to your friend. In depth. With pictures :)
This is the thing that infuriates me. I have another friend whose baby ended up brain damaged by one of these crazed, anti-C section loons. They should require midwives to have medical training and certification. BTW, I fully intended to have a vaginal birth. I had a healthy pregnancy, everything looked great on the…
I’m a former middle school teacher. I saw one of my students crying in the hall and wearing a cast. When I asked what was wrong, she said someone pushed her down the stairs and broke her arm, but the administration wasn’t going to do anything to the perpetrator. I was horrified, but not surprised.
The thing is, this kind of stuff happened to me and many other girls I knew in grad school, and we were NOT even in STEM fields. I think the problem is Academia. It gives so much power to advisors and professors with no oversight or protections for students.
Have you ever been to Houston? It’s so polluted that living there is like smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. And it has the nastiest, most humid weather of any place I’ve ever been. It’s a thousand times worse than Dallas.
I’m always amazed at how many parents won’t let their children walk to school by themselves. I went to school in Alaska, and I walked to school by the age of six. Through the woods. With bears. My parents literally told me what to do if I saw a grizzly bear in the woods on my way to school. And I wasn’t alone—everyone…
Posts like this are like investment advice for homeless people—when you’re homeless, you have bigger problems to worry about than whether your 401k is actualized enough. When I was dead broke, and didn’t make enough money to money to pay all my bills, plenty of people gave me smug advice on cutting my spending. I’d…
Now that story would have made a great children's book!
Then get angry at the hypocritical idiots who claim to have allergies they don’t. One of the stupidest claims I heard recently was a guy who said he couldn’t eat gluten. When someone pointed out that he was drinking a beer, which was made of barley and therefore chock full of good old gluten, he said “he couldn’t eat…
I live in Denton County (though not the city of Denton), and this isn’t just a horrible tragedy. This is the reality of living with a bunch of gun nuts. I once had some gut-toting loon chase me and my husband through a Walmart. When security kicked him out, he waited in the parking lot until we came out, then tried to…
Albert Einstein said, “if you want children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.” He also was an accomplished violinist, like plenty of early NASA scientists. It's weird that some people don't get that we'll rounded education only helps creativity.
I live in Texas, home of many crazy religious people who refuse to teach their kids about sex. Plenty of these people also heavily monitor their children’s internet use and their time with friends. I have met adult, college-aged people from these kinds of families with little to no understanding of how sex works. It's…
My two year old daughter is certainly spirited like this. She’s been that way since about one year old. It never ceases to amaze me how many people think children owe adults unquestioning obedience. They usually recommend inflicting ever escalating levels of punishment on kids like my baby. I’ve found the best way to…
As a former daycare worker, I was actually required to get training in infant CPR and first aid. Although I didn’t stay at that job because of the terribly low pay, I was seriously glad I took that class when I had my own daughter.
My mother has a story similar to the Craigslist one. She got a phone call from someone who claimed to be doing a survey. I remember her getting the call—I was around 7 or 8 at the time, and my sister was 5 or 6. She started talking to this person, answering questions. But as she was talking to him, she got more and…
Absolutely! Unless you live in a place with sky-high rent and closet sized apartments, you probably don’t have good public transportation (or any public transportation at all, which is common in most small towns, exurbs, and even larger Midwestern cities). And if you choose to live in New York and complain about rent,…
This judge is a beast. I hope they sue her into oblivion.
I had my first baby when I was 32. It will change your life, but so will moving, getting a new job, or anything really. Your life will never stay the same forever. I love my daughter with every fiber of my being, and I know it’s cool to roll your eyes at parents when we talk about how awesome it is to look into your…
Amen! I have a rambunctious two-year-old as well, and I love that Steph Curry brought his daughter with him to his press conference. BTW, as a parent, when a two-year-old wants her daddy, especially after she’s just watched him for a couple of hours but couldn’t play with him or hug him, she’s bound to be super sad if…