
Haha, so I am a mom, and I remember the first time I went in for one of those ultra-creepy 3-D ultrasounds. I took one look at the monitor and became horribly convinced my baby would look like a squashed grapefruit. I was so relieved to see she looked like a normal baby when she was born! Those things should so be

I have a Master’s degree for pretty much this reason. I have tried so hard to talk all the kiddos I know in college into NOT going to grad school, and especially not doing a Ph.D. There are NO positions in my field at the college level, most so-called professors are adjuncts, and any other kind of job you can get with

I just can’t believe the amount of stupid, misogynist anti-Hilary nonsense coming from Sanders supports. So, Wikileaks and Vladimir Putin conspire to make the DNC look bad, and the smoking gun is one email from a staffer suggesting they ask Bernie “tough questions” at a town hall meeting. All this is supposedly

The truth is, in many states parents can even be arrested for child abuse if they prevent their children from getting life saving medical care. So in almost all other cases, parents don't have unlimited control over children's medical issues.

This is exactly the point! Guns make everything in a family more dangerous—they dramatically increase this risk of domestic murders, suicide, family violence of all kinds. And quite honestly, I'm not sure I'd really want to shoot some kid who broke into my house to steal my TV. It's not worth it.

Also, that look on Cersei’s face? Remember her prophecy said “Queen you shall be?” Maybe Maggy wasn’t talking about being Robert’s queen. I wonder if that part about “the valonquar” and “after your tears have drowned you” is referring to poisons. We know there’s a poison called the tears of Lys, and one called “the

One thing everyone seems to forget—Jon Snow is still a bastard. Rhaegar did not marry Lyanna. That means that despite his parentage, he still doesn't have a claim to the throne—only true born children inherit. I think that he'll bend the knee to Daenerys in exchange for her dragons to use against the Others, and

My generation had their wake up call with Bush vs. Gore. Oh, you thought there wasn't any difference between a moderate democrat and a phenomally stupid republican? Let me have eight years to demonstrate.

Interestingly enough, my sister is a lawyer. She did an internship with a local district attorney’s office, which happened to have mostly female lawyers on staff. It was apparently the worst place in the state to beat your wife or molest children, because those women went gang busters on those cases. It makes a

Omg, I love John Cho! They should make him the leading bad ass of a movie! Come in Marvel!

Yes! I was thinking all along he probably terrorized or manipulated her.

Yeah, they find alligators in unconnected bodies of water all the time. They had a crocodile in the reservoir at the University of Miami, and by the time they got it out it was several feet long.

A lot of Florida waters have alligators—they take people’s dogs and cats if they get too close to the water. Truly, Florida might be the Hellmouth.

I also love classical music, which is one reason I don't use steaming services—their classical rep is terrible, terribly organized, and the sound quality is wretched. Besides, I can get amazing CDs at Half Price Books for ridiculously cheap, or check real CDs out from the library for free.

Yeah, so it’s Kristen Stewart’s job to make sure Woody Allen is properly punished for abusing his step-daughter. Not the courts, not the police, not the studio heads and producers who actually have power in Hollywood. It’s the young, vulnerable actress who’s already been brutalized in the press for having an affair

Can we not blame Kristen Stewart for the fact that Woody Allen molested children long before she was old enough to stop peeing her pants? BTW, I notice there’s no hate for anyone who worked on the X-Men movies, even though Brian Singer is a known pedophile who is actually member of a fucking pedophile ring.

Yeah, rape culture like blaming a young Hollywood actress for working with a director with bad reputation. She hasn't been accused of molesting kids—why is she somehow responsible for his shitty behavior?

Freaking love Hillary. She's smart and tough enough to put that whiny orange-faced ego ballon in his place. I can't wait to see her debate him.

I did the dealer financing, but I was careful to read all the fine print while the dealer talked to my husband. They did try to screw with us—the dealer had told us he’d give us a 3% interest rate, but when I looked over the contract, he’d written in 5% instead. Once he was done talking, I politely pointed out his

You’d be surprised how often “call her parents” works. Maybe not in every situation or with every kid, but yeah, those things work. As does separating the two girls, sending them to the office, and yes, even talking to them about why they're having a problem. They're kids, not monsters.