I have a panic attack every time i hear about a democrat who wants to vote for Trump just to spite Hillary.
I have a panic attack every time i hear about a democrat who wants to vote for Trump just to spite Hillary.
If parents are preventing their children from receiving prescriptions or surgery that they need, I would be incredibly comfortable for them to be able to bypass their parents. Some states already allow teens to do so.
Most parents wouldn’t disown their child for taking antibiotics or having their appendix removed.
I’ll repeat the story I posted upthread: I had a friend in high school who had a violent home life. She became pregnant and there wasn’t a shred of doubt in my mind when she told me if her mother found out she would be beaten to a pulp and tossed on the street. So pregnant and homeless. Thankfully she was able to get…
the gun Sheats used to kill her daughters was a “family heirloom,” inherited from her great-grandfather to protect her family. Her daughters will be buried this week in Alabama.
God yes! I want to root for her but she makes it hard especially when she doesn’t get her way and just can’t stand anyone else being over her. Like if she had left well enough alone Marge and Tommen would still be happy and a lot of people would still be alive. But she is petty and didn’t like that Marge was over her…
I took that look as Sansa being afraid of what Littlefinger will get up to, since I don’t think a King in the North fits in with his mental vision board.
I do not buy the whole idea that when parents proudly make awful decisions that lead to their children’s deaths (like leaving loaded guns lying around, failing to get the child proper medical attention, etc.) the death should be the parents’ punishment. These parents neglected their child to the point that he died,…
I typically try to stay away from sweeping generational blame, but this morning someone in my FB feed posted a phenomenally depressing infographic that displayed the voting preferences for the Brexit broken down by age group, along with “how many years they’ll live with this decision”. Damn if it wasn’t the most…
The Guardian had a great write-up of how immigration fear was the biggest driver of “Leave,” not immigration; in neighborhoods with large percentages of recent immigrants, the majority of British voters voted “Remain.”
Those same people who love to whine about the Electoral College (“but whyyyy can’t it just be one person, one vote”) lean heavily on its existence to allow them to vote with their precious consciences instead of their fucking brains.
Not a chance for me; I’m okay with Clinton, she’s infinitely preferable to Trump, and I realize that neither Stein nor Johnson have a chance of winning (and I don’t know enough about Johnson to know if I find him preferable to Clinton). However, I do the the sense that some of Sanders’ supporters are refusing to vote…
Him x 17m right now.
Oh, christ.
Duh, the real criminals here are the parents who dared to look away for a second. I’ve also been told by about a MILLION people on another thread that helicopter parents, not guns, are to blame for the UCLA student who killed their professor, then themselves. Don’t watch your kids close enough? Burn the witch! Watch…
Hannibal Lecter’s neighbors and friends would have considered him a very cultured, well spoken individual.
“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with. It’s very early to make a conclusion as to what the cause, intent, motive and facts were to this unfortunate tragedy.”
This guy’s lawyer says: “It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with.”