
If the girlfriend in the second letter is a teenager, she might just need time to explore her body and her sexuality in a non-pressured way. I’ve known plenty of women who didn’t orgasm until they were in their late twenties, and often it took a lot of effort at first. And by effort I mean spending up to an hour

I’m so relieved to read all these comments. My daughter is 22 months, and I’m still twenty pounds up. I’m trying to walk a lot more, but I’ve just about given up on my belly. It jingles when my baby plays with it, which is kind of hilarious. Also, fuck all the terrible food advice people give you when you’re pregnant.

This! I’ve actually never heard of the “abandon your baby all night” CIO before now. I’d always heard to check on them every ten minutes.

Haha, it is amazing how a toddler or baby can stretch out until you feel like you’re going to roll off the bed. Personally, we did a combo of co-sleeping and CIO. Basically, she co-slept until I think about 8 months, then we did the Fermier method. However, when she wakes up in the middle of the night, we just put her

Seriously, if the first time a girl is nice to them these guys molest her, creep on her, and generally make her feel squicky, maybe all those "mean" girls in high school were clued in to something deeply messed up about them. Maybe the Queen Bitches of the World aren't bullies, just women who won't put up with their

I also used to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Over and over and over. But hubby doesn't like Buffy :(

Before I got married, I'd eat nothing but delicious bread dipped in garlic-pepper olive oil all day. I loved making Welsh Rarebit and blue-cheese polenta. My husband lost a ton of weight on a low carb diet, and now if I eat like that he acts like I'm murdering puppies. Sigh.

You must teach in a middle to upper class school. I taught at a school that was entirely poor and minority students. They regularly received failing grades, and were constantly held back and humiliated over their scores on standardized tests. I don't think any of that helped them at all. Failure is incredibly

You must teach in a middle to upper class school. I taught at a school that was entirely poor and minority students. They regularly received failing grades, and were constantly held back and humiliated over their scores on standardized tests. I don't think any of that helped them at all. Failure is incredibly

I'm a mother, and I know that parenting so hard sometimes, maybe even most of the time. But I find it unbelievable that this many parents really regret having children. My daughter is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I don't regret one moment of her life. Seriously. I don't envy anyone who doesn't have

That's insane. It's so sleezy that these places don't even help pregnant women, they only try to bully them in adoption. It's seriously creepy how right wing evangelicals are using adoption to force their beliefs on helpless children.

I actually once caught a wild bunny when I was in college. It was one of those bizarre moments where it ran in front of me, and I reacted and grabbed it before I had time to even think. I'm pretty sure I was as stunned as the bunny to find myself holding a wild rabbit right there in my college quad. I cuddled it a

I think they've been saying these crazy racist/sexist things behind closed doors for years now. We're only hearing about it more now because 1. Everything everywhere is being filmed for the TV and/or streamed on the internet and 2. people are paying more attention.

When I worked at a department store in Oklahoma, we found a litter of day old puppies in the trash compactor. If the maintenance guys hadn't pulled them out, they would have been crushed the death. My mom and I took two and bottle fed them for weeks until they could be adopted. They turned into happy, healthy

I'm pregnant with my first baby now, and I've been asking everyone I know to get their whooping cough vaccinations up to date. It's so frightening how vulnerable infants are to it, and it's coming back. It makes me sick to think of how that McCarthy beast is killing people, including infants, with her ignorant

As a former teacher in an extremely high poverty school, I can tell you that poor attendance, terrible discipline, and no parental involvement make it difficult to impossible to reach some kids. I had students who came to class once a month. I had 160 kids to teach. Am I supposed to pick all of them up in the

I understand your concern, but it's not allowed to carry guns on a college campus in Maryland. In fact, it's illegal. So if they are "patrolling," they are still not allowed to carry guns.

Housekeepers are a gift from God. I have one who comes every other week and takes care of all the heavy chores, like cleaning the bathroom and the kitchen, vacuuming, and folding laundry. My husband and I used to regularly fight about the chores, and now it's so much easier and our marriage has improved. Seriously, if

I didn't know any of this about Kurt Cobain, but I love Nirvana! I'm so glad to know he identified as a Feminist.

I've actually taught preschool, 8th grade language arts, and music lessons. I don't agree that all or even most boys are "troublemakers." However, I think when boys do act terribly in class, it's often because they have disrespectful attitudes towards their (largely female) teachers.