
Actually, the actor James Woods has a very high IQ, so it's not unusual for intelligent people to enjoy acting. I'm a classical musician (now I'm working on a novel as well), and I have long suspected that some of the most intelligent people at a university are probably music majors. In my undergraduate college's

I totally agree. I taught preschool, 8th grade, and music lessons, so I've dealt with many different children, including some who had disabilities like autism. I'm still completely appalled at parents who spoil and indulge their children until they are unbearable. If you do not teach children how to behave and how to

I think this also works because it projects confidence. People get suspicious if you come across like you need their business or help too much. If you make it clear you respect their freedom to choose your business, it shows that you have confidence, and that you get enough business from other clients that you don't

Wow, I think you win for one of the funniest Jezebel comments in a while!

Actually, efforts by cities to improve community health and school lunches, DO reduce childhood obesity by a significant amount.

For all the sad, awkward guys out there who truly don't understand why you are creepy, please read "Dr. Nerdlove."

I think you should read "Dr. Nerdlove." I'm a woman who has tons of nerdy guy friends who truly don't understand why they scare women off. If that's you, and you're totally lost, please read it diligently.

I'm totally disgusted by this "cultural sensitivity" vileness some people in this thread are using as an excuse to defend savage sexual violence against women. Some Muslim men think the Koran gives them the right to beat their wives—so is rejecting domestic violence "cultural imperialism"? Do we need to stop

Grave of the Fireflies is one of the most moving animes ever made, and I'd like to see it as a live action movie, although I hope they don't completely white-wash it. It's so heart-breaking. If you need a pick me up after the movie, try reading Nurtured by Love, by Shinichi Suzuki. It's the true story of a man who

Maybe racist internet trolls should take a long look at the First Amendment, because it doesn't just apply to hate speech. Jezebel and anyone else has a right to free speech as well, and that includes objecting to racist tweets. Why do conservatives think that free speech only applies to them, and not the people

I can't wait to read the new Phillip Pullman book—I loved His Dark Materials.

I love this article! Seriously, number 6—I also walk around talking to myself like a crazy person. I'd like to add a couple more helpful suggestions: 1. outline 2. write someplace outside your home—at a coffee shop or library. I don't know why, but I'm way more productive at Barnes and Noble than at my home.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and sometimes he comes a little bit early.

Maybe the weight-loss industry is conspiring to convince Americans they need drugs to lose weight, instead of healthy food and physical activity. Still, I've shocked at how badly people eat, and worse, at the terrible food they feed their kids. When I worked at a preschool, parents would regularly send their

If you think that being a middle school student is the worst time of life, try being a middle school teacher. I can't tell you how miserable I was, and how overwhelming it was just trying to get kids to stop being evil. I think we must really work hard to stop bullying, and emphasize respect and kindness.

I live in Texas, and while there certainly are a lot of conservatives here, Texas is changing pretty rapidly. What's more, I think the abortion rate in Texas is very high—the teen pregnancy rate is through the roof, and many conservatives are more than willing to seek an abortion for their daughters. There is so

This is seriously one of the funniest endorsement videos I've seen. I've already voted for Obama (early voting is awesome), so now I'm just encouraging people I know to vote too. Joss Whedon rules!

How sad that those boys picked on an orphaned foster child. Clearly, she had a painful life before the bullying.

Maybe he thinks he can convince the Times interns to sleep with him to get to the top.

It's truly sad that Romney can actually make us appreciate GWB. By the way, unlike Romney, GWB is actually a friendly guy in person (I met him when I was playing in a string quartet for a library fundraiser), not a snobby elitist like Romney.