Ruby Red and Emerald Green

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All that said, man the 3D models are uncanny, doesn’t feel right unless it’s paired with the original gif:


Guys, yuukaku is just as much as a euphemism in Japanese as kanrakugai. Both can be literally translated as “play enclosure” and “pleasure quarter.” This is a non-story. 

I think Gosar is trash for many reasons, but I sort of buy his and Biggs’ defense. I’m sure he didn’t mean genuine harm to Biden or AOC.

I’ll take it. I’ll take that W and sleep soundly tonight.

Yes, all prepubescent girls have DDD boobs and hour glass figures and are atleast 6ft tall. Just admit you don’t like something rather than lie and call things you don’t like pedophilia.

There were several employees who did not have the power to hold their coworkers (and superiors) accountable, but they did have the power to change the characters. That’s why even the esports casters stopped using the name “McCree” when calling the games without specific guidance from the higher ups: because they

I know that at the very least, in this case, the actual dev team wanted to change the name and lobbied Blizzard to let them. 

? and ! could be only physical or only special moves, maybe? Or maybe they could do a randomized moveset? I’m just spit-balling.

IP laws are so broken. Digital distribution is so broken. Nobody is ever going to fix this and it’s actually gonna get worse in the future.

A Luigi’s Mansion Lego set is a dream come true...if it were done as a normal Lego set. I can’t stand the direction they went in with the Mario line. 

In the last 15 years Kotaku was my go-to site. I come less and less, which is still around 1 time per day. I’m annoyed I’ve been click baited, this isn’t even a metroidvania. And Dread is an incredible game...

Yeah no offense intended to this game or the devs, but really the only reason you’d think this is better than Dread is if the story speaks to you on a personal level, which it’s probably not going to for most people.  I’m glad trans people are being represented and that media like this exists for them.  It just does

I consider myself an LGBTQ ally whenever I can be and I suffer from a serious chronic illness that I have to take rough medications for but...even I think this is a little much. It seems kinda desperate to passively insult Matroid Dread for no reason, for one thing. And while I’m thrilled that we’re seeing more trans

The best Metroidvania of the year and not one mention of the actual Metroid that just came out?

Sorry to be That Guy, but what has happened to the editing process at Kotaku as of late? Is it G/O cuts? Kinja jank? Both? So many pieces get published lately where you scan it for 30 seconds and you’re like oh wow, this is completely scuffed.

Actually, Sion is in Fate/Grand Order.