First thing I should note is that only a few of the consoles in that photo are actually connected to that TV—PS5 and PS4 Pro are on their own HDMI ports, then I have the Switch, Xbox One, Wii U, 360, and PS3 connected to a 5-port auto-switcher I found on Amazon. I have two different surge suppressors connected to

Yeah, I thought it looked the same. If anything, the Switch version looks less “retro” because it’s using higher-res sprites and fonts.

In a perfect world there would be something akin to an universal digital media preservation act forcing every company that shuts down an always online game to release an offline (or custom server deploayable) version of said game.

Qiqi is the best girl healer! This disrespect must not stand! Qiqi Gang Rise Up!

That’s fascinating. I’m under the impression that the wide majority high school students in Japan speak English in the same way that high school students in America speak French, which is to say absolutely terribly.

For a 2,064 (ha) piece set, $170 isn’t bad at all. They did a whole minifig series that were $5 each (blind packs but you can find a guide online for finding the right ones) and the play sets have some $40 sets. I’m glad they have a diverse set of options for those of us who want something larger. 

This is around $0.08 per brick. That is not too bad of a license tax and in fact being under $0.10 per brick is good. It is well below the Disney and Star Wars sets. Even bulk classic LEGO come in around $0.05 to $0.08 per brick depending on the pack. Yes this is a micro build so there are a lot of smaller pieces.

truly wise beyond his time!

Wouldn’t say it’s my favorite of the last decade, but it was incredibly watchable and fun and maintains a great pace and definitely made me want more of it

About fucking time this started happening. I never understood the ostracisation of pop-stars the moment someone found out they *gasp* boink with someone. I love Japan but this phenomenon is disgusting. 

If they know at least one Fairy-move, they will evolve into Sylveon.

As long as they don’t go back to the same old pool of ‘sexy’ Pokemon. Live a little! Sexy Stunfisk! Sexy Arctovish!

Part 3: Profit?

“God I’m so fukcing WOKE AF!!!! Now, I know nothing about this game, please give me reasons to cancel it, I have surplus outrage to spare and I haven’t outraged at anything in over 5 minutes and it’s KILLING ME!!

From what it seems like, few people got screeners anyway, so post-patch reviews will likely be the vast majority.

I remember folks were genuinely clamoring for the devs to delay this game. The fact that it wasn’t delayed at all.... I have to say, it doesn’t get my hopes up.

I feel like this was a waste of the names. They look nothing like their namesakes, not even a shared color scheme. What are you going to do now when you find that new species iridescent blue beetle with feathery antenna, Entomologists? Huh? Name it after Articuno? You can’t! You jumped the Sharpedo on this one in your

Nintendo is so Nintendo. They sold 22 million copies of Animal Crossing and counting, everyone is dying for an island expanding DLC and more than willing to pay for it, and they literally could not care less. Any other company in the world would be falling all over themselves trying to cash in on a situation like

This one was my favorite today:

Yes, but you'll only have until March 31 to get yours before it's gone FOREVER.