They did something similar for Super Mario Brothers a few years ago that did have like a 3 foot long NES controller.  The buttons were not as responsive as they should have been, so I’ll take a hopefully working normal size controller

I was guessing Ditto, who is present in every generation (even every region, so nothing like Ditto is available in Gen 3 cause FRLG). While Ditto can be found in Hoenn in Emerald, it is not available in any form in Ruby/Sapphire

Pretty sure it copies the host’s Pokemon, so literally the easiest thing is for the host to bring their own Ditto.  It will be unable to do anything but fail to transform

Gary is here.  Ash is a winner

Blame GE’s Jack Welch. He popularized this, but by firing the bottom 10%.  He was successful (on paper) so a bunch of companies started following his policies, but he ended up leaving GE a shell of itself.

It’s always fun to see a place mentioned and know exactly where it is. You drive by it if you decide to cut through the road with the Home Depot to get over near Shoppingtown instead of going down to Erie Boulevard.

The studio that handled Punch Out just announced the new Mario Strikers game, so I wouldn’t expect a new Punch Out anytime soon (though I would love it)

Because Mr. Mime is just the English name. It was never intended to be a one gender Pokemon, and it released in Gen 1, when Pokemon didn’t have genders assigned.

I could see a case for Mr. Mime being the male counterpart to Jynx, but that didn’t happen

Ufouria is great too.  Sunsoft churned out a few cult classics near the end of the NES lifespan

I’ve been trying to get Keqing since she released.  Both Jeanne and Qiqi are on my main teams, though I am working on getting more characters to 90

I know they wouldn’t go for this kind of tone, but I was half expecting to see Bidoof get no orders while the trainer spent the turn using Revive on Lucario

That’s an inspired decision for how to be a cute anime girl when you can’t sound like a cute anime girl

I still have no Keqing since playing from day 1.

I have a tough time believing shareholders are calling for his resignation for the same reason.  He just finally became a liability to them making money. 

My favorite story related to this is that Space Invaders was never programmed to speed up as more of their formation was destroyed - they moved faster because there were less enemies to move so the processor was able to update faster.

“Thin book” is slang for doujinshi, and I got very confused

On Android, I would get Youtube Vanced (cause it’s missing the ad, geddit?)

the name of Overwatch’s cowboy was a sticking point in the widespread conversation”

I said it was an impossible idea. Even putting aside making it work in each language, there’s also what to do about ? and ! Unown.  And I didn’t check each letter, but Q in particular would be screwed with only 4 moves to its name

I’ve been curious about Unown ever since Sword and Shield got rid of Hidden Power. Unlike other Pokemon where its just disappointing that got rid of certain signature moves that gave that Pokemon some flavor, Unown has no other moves - they can’t even be added back into the games without adding Hidden Power back in or