Bejeweled never sunk its teeth into me, but I really enjoyed Peggle and Plants Vs Zombies. I actually learned about Plants Vs Zombies because it was playable on systems during PAX in 2009. Prior to that, I don’t think I had heard about the game, and I ended up putting a lot of time into at the con, and bought it when

Sigh... I was cautiously optimistic for this one too. I hear there’s no XP again, and there’s no permanent gear either? Part of the appeal of RPGs is improving your character over time.

Really drives me nuts, cause they have a lot of series I would love to own physically, but not at those prices. I probably have over 100 anime series Blu-rays, but almost all of them were sub-$30 when I bought them.

I agree Sound type would make a lot of sense. A lot more than light type. We already have a list of sound type moves - they are the ones blocked by Soundproof. And a lot of Pokemon primarily associated with sound are just normal type, which is kind of generic and boring

Same fear here.  I don’t even care if they stop growing new flowers if I go back down from 5 star, as long as the 3 lilies I keep for my garden don’t die

Also, screw golden tools, they break anyways.

In the heady days when I thought I might have friends over, I actually got two sets of Joycons, which is helping right now cause I’m in the same boat. I got one of my left joycon sitting on my desk just waiting for Nintendo’s repair centers to reopen and have been using the other one instead. Though a few days ago, my

I’ve yet to see a single pansy. Every other flower type I have growing (though I really need a white Hyacinth). My goal is to have a garden of 3 of every flower/color combination.

If I remember correctly, he will let you keep the Shuckle if it becomes friendly enough, but Shuckle mostly reminds me of this:

This leak (or some other one that also recently happened), also had a ton of cool Pokemon information heavily around various scrapped Pokemon, and this is where I find things really at odds - sites dedicated to preserving Pokemon information, like Serebii and Bulbapedia, and even even ones specifically looking into

I feel stupid cause I didn’t get the 2nd set of bell vouchers till attempt 3.  I think I completely failed attempt 2, where I used the worn axe to cut down the tree blocking 2 fruit, instead of the tree blocking 2 fruit and a tree branch.  In any case, that meant I would have to use a fruit to uproot the 2nd tree

Wow, an article on Guild Wars 2!  I’m... fine with it being text only for now since they plan on adding voice acting in later.  But I’m sure I will start playing the new content right away when it comes out, which means I have to remember to take a character thru the story content again once I hear the voices are in.

I miss the DS mission mode so much. As someone who just naturally veers to playing offline (and often single-player), the missions were a lot of fun to add some variance to the play

It’s not real Japanese anime unless they are sending the files to the TV stations just before its time to air!

Graham was my first campsite visitor too. However, one day I stopped in his house and he asked what kind of music I liked, to which I answered cartoon themes and he suggested we should go to karaoke sometime and get all nostalgic singing cartoon themes. I realized he was just a socially awkward otaku, and that

Yeah, I’ve been thinking that I might just catch 2 Melmetal during that event whenever it drops - one for the Gigantamax collection, and one in my regular living Pokedex.

I’ve been waiting for Gigantamax Corviknight and Centiskorch to rotate in again.  The only Pokemon forms I’m missing are those two and Melmetal (really need to figure out what to do there, cause I really don’t want to play that much Pokemon Go to evolve Meltan)

Having watched all the filler as it came out, I’m not sure more Bleach is a better thing.

I’ve forgotten how to quickly change tools (or pause to select a tool, which I don’t think is possible), so those surprise insects have been my bane as I fumble thru a menu trying to switch to the net before they run away or attack me

You kidding?  I’ve been out of space on my Switch for like the past year with a.. honestly I forget if it is 400 or 512 GB.  I’ve been waiting for the 1 TB ones to go down in price

You kidding?  I’ve been out of space on my Switch for like the past year with a.. honestly I forget if it is 400 or