The new battle mechanics... I’m kind of fine with? The only one that stings is Megas, since they gave new forms and made some Pokemon much more viable. I would be fine with each gen having a gimmick like Z-Moves or Dynamaxing with the knowledge that those are unique to their regions.

I have a tough time seeing why they wouldn’t be able to patch them in later in that case.  I would feel a lot better about this if I knew this was a temporary thing and not their plan moving forward

I knew it!

I still have a tough time buying their reason for cutting support for all Pokemon. He first mentions so they can focus on gameplay mechanics they normally don’t have time for since they are implementing every Pokemon. But I thought I heard them say previously that they made high quality models of every Pokemon and

Same here. Pokemon is easy enough as is without giving all 6 of my team the same XP, and it forces me to swap Pokemon around.

To be fair, people who make in-game maps of their school to fight in now have better designed levels

That’s cause Drowzee and Munna are both based on the baku, a mythological dream-eating creature that was a “chimera with an elephant’s trunk, rhinoceros’ eyes, an ox’s tail, and a tiger’s paws”. Baku is also the Japanese name for the Malaysian tapir. I assume that they called the tapir a baku because of the trunk, and

I feel dirty mostly cause I feel this game is better suited to auto-steering being on, where you can “take control” to do things like small correction changes to grab coins/drift/use items.

It was about the most Trigger-est thing I’ve ever seen. That’s a good thing.

Now playing

Now that’s a name I haven’t heard of in a long time, but it had quite a popular song maybe a decade ago (makes sense if that’s when the webpage last updated)

Most anime is simulcast by HiDive, Crunchyroll, or Funimation nowadays.  Simulcast is a little bit of a misnomer, but within an hour or two of airing in Japan it is available for streaming through those websites.

Not a bad point, but unlike the Star Wars Special editions, this isn’t fully replacing the originals. For a long time, there was no way to see the original Star Wars since only the Special edition was sold. For Takagi-san, this is digital only for now. I can’t get a clear grasp of if the mangaka just uploaded this to

Hate when they go back and update stuff to their modern style? Or start to stray from the original model to the point where you can easily believe they are 2 different characters?

I purchased and have hit up against a 400 GB card, and have a tough time convincing myself to go to 512 GB or higher at the current cost. And that is with buying physical most of the time - there’s just a lot of decently sized games that are download only, or have a lot of update data. I have Fire Emblem Warriors on

Last one was in Jahai Bluffs in LS4E4.

I think it depends on the design of the JP. The JPs where the problem is figuring out where to go and what is considered floor vs what is considered wall are the bane of my existence. Chalice of Tears is main offender when it comes to those kind of JPs

I ended up looking into this, and while I didn’t get an answer, the card is very similar to an old Gym Challenge set card, Blaine’s Quiz 3: “Put a Basic Pokémon or Evolution card from your hand face down in front of you and tell your opponent the name of an attack of that card. Your opponent guesses the name of that

Even without the multiple languages thing, I want more clarification on this card. If I just say Charizard, and it’s Shiny Charizard GX or Dark Charizard or Flannery’s Charizard, did I guess correctly?

So you reviewing the game?  I could still be enticed to pick it up if its good

I fell in love with Ikuhara’s work after Mawaru Penguindrum. I felt Yuri Kuma Arashi wasn’t as good, but was glad to see Sarazanmai return to form. My only real complaints are that I wanted to know about Keppei and Sara, why Keppei felt the need to separate the other half of himself (I was fulling expecting a memory