This is one of the things I liked about Gen 4. Diamond and Pearl didn’t have the greatest spread of certain Pokemon types, which meant some gym leaders and the elite 4 instead specialized in attacks of a certain type - like, they all had a strong fire type attack, but they were a wide array of actual Pokemon types -

Would help if the colors were more differentiated.  I lost a chain a few times because I couldn’t tell the difference between white and off-white

But with Drednaw, I was finally going to realize my dream of a full turtle team. Blastoise, Torkoal, Torterra, Carracosta, Turtonator, and Drednaw. Alas, it will have to wait until all of them are available in one game.

ThEy’Re MaKiNg A cHoIcE tO gEt On ThAt CoUcH. iF tHeY’d AlL jUsT sToP, tHe PrAcTiCe WoUlD sToP

The music - was that the one with Super Mario RPG and I want to say, Kingdom Hearts? I think I saw King’s Quest as well (I assume it looks pretty similar to Homestar Runner’s Peasant’s Quest, and the display I saw looked a lot like that). There was also some old racing arcade game where I think the point was to race

I was just there this past weekend, and recall nothing more than a repeating video of a few women in gaming, and a single board with a few paragraphs of text.

Had to look up what you were talking about and I guess Critical Role(Roll?) which is another one I’m interested in.  It just takes so long to catch up, as everyone has dozens of multi-hour episodes.  I ended up dropping the C Team, cause it just didn’t resonate with me as much.  I think it had to do with Jerry’s DMing

Yeah, I never really followed any of the people, but I did get into Dice, Camera, Action via Acquisitions incorporated and have been slowly working my way thru (at like episode 18 or something).  I only know ProJared and Holly Conrad via Dice, Camera, Action, but this leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

It’s a shame they never made a sequel. /half-serious

Disgusting that they would let this hack be released.  It can stack with confusion and in Gen 2, that means 2 50% chances that you don’t attack.  Sickening.

I’m not aware of any grinding or clenching of my teeth, but my dentist pointed out that one side looks more “sanded down” then the others.  Is that only due to grinding, or can one side naturally just be different from the other?  I wanted to see evidence of my teeth actually wearing down seeing that they take xrays

I’m actually pretty sick of the fact that Game Freak adds another single stage electric rodent whose name they don’t translate pretty much every gen. I know Pikachu is their big mascot, but even Pikachu evolves. It doesn’t help that they are pretty much all high special attack, fast, and frail. We have that niche

Discussion: Should Poliwrath be used to fill out a full frog/toad team? Technically, it’s a tadpole still, but without it, there’s only 5 frog/toad lines: Venusaur (look at it’s running animation and tell me it isn’t), Politoed, Toxicroak, Seismitoad, Greninja,

You need to be more specific.  Which Fate game(s)?  FGO is never sitting at full stamina on my phone.

Because the Wii and Wii U had free online, and Sony and Microsoft make you pay, but at least give good service.  If Nintendo is going to force me to pay, I would hope their fee would at least go into improving their service.

It’s been a few years since last time I tried. I don’t have anyone who plays around, so when I tried to learn it was a webpage against 3 AI with the rules printed on the web page as well.

They are doing little for the online subscription cost that they weren’t already doing. I’ve yet to see an improvement in their actual network, which continues to be infuriating. The playable NES games are a nice bonus, but not a big draw on their own. Especially with them coming in a drip feed. And I’m pretty sure at

I’ve tried to learn Mahjong before and honestly, I keep getting hopelessly lost.

Yeah - some of the side characters were still annoying, but they all got a lot better after the skip to middle school. And the chemistry between the mains became a lot better in episodes 2-3.