
Everyone is blowing this is off as some weird fetish-y thing and missing Mark's larger point: this is becoming normal. Let me repeat that again: hardcore, extreme and often dangerous sexual acts, overwhelmingly involving women, are becoming more and more normalized. Things that should be seasoned fetishes and

CEOs and their ilk are rarely tech savvy. Steve Jobs didnt know jackshit about computers. The Woz was the brains, Jobs could just marked like a god

The security blanket of knowing they can just buy something just like it or better if they want surely is a huge part of it. I keep things for years bc I know I couldn't afford to replace it. I have downsized many times for different reasons and still remember regretfully individual items I wish I had but can't afford

Eh. I'm basically reiterating other things already said in this article, but minimalism is just another kind of snobbery. When you go "I don't even own a TV" you're not saying, "Aren't I, and tons of people in Nigeria, so cool and hip because we don't own TVs?" You're saying, "Aren't I so cool and hip because I could

Couldn't resist

The best way to prove that you're not a misogynist is to deny that misogyny exists and believe that anyone who perpetuates the idea that MAYBE IT DOES is just a fat, bitter cunt.

A little thought should lead a reasonable person to conclude that he sacrificed his home, his family, his career, and his freedom to lend authenticity to the information he released to the public. But then, its a lot easier to just scream TRAITOR and completely forget about the stuff he revealed in the first place.

I'm going to assume, until proof to the contrary, that Snowden meant well when he leaked the documents, as opposed to working for a foreign intelligence office that wanted to harm the US. If he truly did it for the public good, can you imagine the loneliness and lack of options he is facing right now? He can't be

Okay, did anyone at Inquisitr or Jezebel read the actual study? Because the authors themselves don't even claim that thyme oil is more effective than ibuprofen. They say that "Reduction of pain severity was not statistically significant between the two medications, however it was significant for each drug compared

Acknowledging female biology is not by default TERFy or transmisogynist. Particularly when there is so much shame and misinformation surrounding the female body.

I might feel more convinced if I read the whole work by Robinson, but I have to say I really disagree with this. I don't disagree with the idea that Anne is homoromantic in that she feels romantic love for other women, just with the notion that she is not in love with Gilbert. I'm not sure how this would "label" her,

Holy Shit. I shudder to think what I would be like if I hadn't experienced young love. Although maybe there's an assumption that they mean healthy young love. In which case my current mental status makes sense.

This. I don't get it. I moved back in and my parents have very little chores to do because I'm going to earn my keep, so to speak, rather than sit around and expect to be waited on.


The thing is, it shouldn't matter. The photos aren't sexual, and to claim that they are — and worse, blame Willow Smith for them being sexual — is to forcibly sexualize a 13-year-old girl just because she's a 13-year-old girl.

It's great when grown white men make fun of an oppressed and victimized demographic in American society. So funny. I bet you assholes would have LOVED the golden age of minstrel shows.

There is an uncomfortable misogyny there, just like there is with Patrick Wilson. "Come on, look at the heifers they are married to! They've gotta be gay! They can get any hot chick they want!"