"Seven Hells, that Couch kid sure is a dick."
"Seven Hells, that Couch kid sure is a dick."
It's absolutely disgusting that a large part of the re-spread of polio is due to fundamentalists killing people trying to vaccinate children. If we can't stop violence against those trying to do good, how can we hope to stop this terrible disease? I think a good case study to look at is India vs. Pakistan. Just five…
I love that Google didn't highlight her glamorous movie roles and instead focused on her work with children. She was an amazing humanitarian with an incredible life story.
Thank Christ for that. If I'm the apex of human achievement, then ALL HAIL ATLANTIS!
Those are great suggestions for always-on cameras like a baby monitor. But the simple one I use on my laptop camera is a strategically-placed piece of electrical tape. Mostly because I'm paranoid that I'll be working from home and accidentally turn on the camera while I'm on a conference call in my PJs, but still.
It's worth noting here that this is just further proof that nobody EVER thinks they're actually a racist. Even in the middle of this giant crazy racist rant Sterling still makes time to be faux-offended at the suggestion that he's a racist.
There are plenty of places to pick up great PC games, whether you're looking for something just-released or a…
What made me angry about this commercial was that, for the most part, people dont get away with things like stringing someone from the flagpole. Bullying when I was a kid was much more verbal than physical, and even when it was physical it was sneaky. It was unprovable. For years I didn't count what happened to me…
The video is awful, and there's certainly an element of fetishization to it. But is kawaii cupcake stuff now like some sacred party of Japanese culture? Come on. This is trendy, fashion, stuff, hyper-commercialized, capitalist bullshit in Japan, too.
I've said this before, but it bears repeating: no matter how shitty customers were, in nearly five years of food service work, I never once saw a server put bodily fluids in someone's food. I'm sure it happens somewhere, but I never saw or heard about it.
This comment is a perfect illustration of why I will NEVER do one of these from the customer's perspective. If you're really complaining about your server saying "no problem," you need to take a long, hard look in the goddamn mirror, because that is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.
Tune in this season. George R.R. Martin is a lifelong liberal who protested the Vietnam War and names Jimmy Carter as one of his heroes. Although he denies allegories in "A Song of Ice and Fire", he admits that his political views have shaped the story. There will be some poignant events that speak about imperialism,…
Right? And bird poop and dead bugs and dirt and leaves and beer cans and candy wrappers and condoms.
... ... what does it say about me that I'm more disgusted by the city's decision to dump that much water than I am by the teen's decision to piss in it?
As someone who has been very open about my depression, suicide attempt and recovery, and someone who's recovery included mindfulness meditation and yoga, I have always been VERY vocal about the "weapons grade" pharmaceuticals and conventional therapy that were also so integral to my recovery. I always say that yoga,…
When my Grandma was 94, she told me that she sometimes looking in the mirror and thought - Who's that old woman. Where is Mary? But then, she told me, she realizes that she's the same inside where it counts.
That someone would NEVER clean the head of their vibrator made me gag huge. Shudder.
I have always felt a strong and emotional connection to members of the LGBTQ community. It was actually a huge disappointment for me, when I came of age and realized that I was sexually attracted to men. So when my sister came out, Ithought, Thank God, someone in this family can truly represent my passions and…
I always make an easy to remember password for every site I go on: I take an ex girlfriend's name, then l33t it, then use a mildly offensive phrase about why we broke up, then translate the whole thing into another language.