
I’m not much of a talker, so I just planted a couple BLM signs my front yard and noticed who stopped waving at us on our street.

Because Cyberpunk isn’t a failure. It’s a critical and commercial success (8+ million pre-orders and the PC version has an 87 on MC). Did it live up to the ridiculous hype? Nope. Does it look and run poorly on the base, last-gen consoles? Yep. Is it unpolished? Oh yes. Has CDP made mistakes when it comes to handling PR

Re: Fallout 76's post-release development:

If they gave up on Fallout 76 and forever tarnish the Fallout brand, would MSFT still pay $7.5billion for the company though?

Yeah but you probably aren’t also being judged for the color of your skin on top of the name thing. Or being asked where you’re from, no where you’re really from. Anyone ask to touch your hair lately? Tell you that you’re so articulate and well-spoken?

You dropped the “O” and it is the first smartass in the bible... so... your name is G’d?

I think the larger point all of these discussions seem to be missing is that a mispronounced name wouldn’t feel like a secret message saying “you don’t belong” if people in these situations weren’t constantly bombarded with other secret and not-so-secret messages saying the same thing. If the kids in your classroom

I once saw a bit by an Anglo-Nigerian comic talking about she kept on dealing with people who were so confused by her full name that they’d instead offer to call her by something pretty far removed from it. “Do you mind if we call you Tina?” She said nobody in Nigeria would ever try that. “Your name is Bob Smith?

Have you ever called a Jennifer “Jenny” and watched them flinch just a little bit, probably before they correct you?

Now playing

That’s why it’s called a microaggression: it’s one small thing that, on its own, is probably a nothing, but when it adds up over time with others, it becomes a real problem. Especially because it’s such a small act done by a stranger who’s not aware of it. Did you ever see that Key & Peele sketch about the substitute

Not at an awards ceremony. If the task is to announce people’s names to bestow honor, the host should learn or be told how to pronounce all of the names.

Protests notoriously don’t change anything.

Any woman with a podcast probably gets death threats. 

We come in all flavors and are not a monolith.

Totally agree. This game has ruined me on other games. It’s a feeling/experience not unlike The Witness in that I long to experience it all over again, because I feel like I played it in my own special way, and the experience of playing it was unique to me, even if I know that’s not entirely true.

Is it in someone’s apartment?!?!

This IS fantastic. And should be the end of discussion for anyone with a modicum of good faith in this discussion. Literally all she had to do was not darken the skin of the suit. Accuracy of depiction is not worth playing around in this gray area. 

An example of how to do an amazing Pyke without race facing:

This really isnt a hard discussion.. It starts and ends right here.

“Livanart herself says in this Facebook video that she spoke with “some black people” while making the suit, heard their concerns then went and did it anyway”

This means she knew it was problematic and did it anyway. Any convo after that is irrelevant.