
I liked a lot of the characters in Breaking Bad. I didn’t admire them, but I could empathize with them. 

The brain imaging suggests that it is, but I don’t know things.

And which is the non-pretend money again?

There was a period when it was fun, but as the price dropped and sales became more frequent, the average age dropped into the low teens, and the shooter crowd showed up with all their Nazi BS. Also, cheaters. On a whitelist server, I’m sure the game itself could still be a lot of fun. 

Mispronouncing someone’s name makes you a racist” is by no means the consensus or dominant position of those people trying to describe the experience of micro-agression to you. The point is not that you or Martin feel like a racist or accept the identity of racist. The point is for you to gain some understanding of

Those are two true statements. Their relevance to this discussion is debatable. One would hope they would be brought up in solidarity or empathy, but the context makes your post sound dismissive.

Having your name butchered while receiving one of the highest accolades you can receive in your field is a little different from having someone yell it wrong at the DMV.

I have a not-wildly-uncommon last name that everyone assumes they know how to pronounce, and can go literally years without hearing it pronounced correctly. When someone pronounces it correctly without prompting, it’s a pleasant shock. I don’t recall any teacher ever learning how to say it, and I’m pretty sure at

The idea is to have fewer police and use police for fewer situations. If the goal is greater order and safety, paramilitary response units are not the best answer in the majority of situations where they are currently used. Police are an instrument of violence that needs to have a much smaller role in our society.

I feel like “car model awareness outreach” is not going to make the top 8 or 80 list of needed reforms. Granted, I do feel like my overall situational awareness is somewhat impaired now that I’m less aware of car models. Growing up around mechanics, I picked up all that knowledge passively as a kid and teenager, but

I’m just digging into old favorites. Currently on my first Rimworld game (that went anywhere) in a year or so.

What? So one, motorcycle clubs are often loaded with veterans with variations on this guy’s style, who would probably “dress up” more or less the same way (button down and jeans without holes or oil stains). Two, there are whole organizations of veterans organized around anti-war and other “hippy” causes. Three,

I will use my Vive for 2-4 days every 4 or 5 months, then let it resume collecting dust. That being the case, chances are I have to run room setup every time, and I just have to strap a thing to my head and put things in my ears and make it play nice with my glasses, or have relatively fresh contacts in and do

I sat on a jury for a fraud case where Chinese investors were suing a US house flipper who sold them “investment properties” sight unseen with the promise that they would return rent, and I think everyone on that jury had the same feeling: fuck everyone involved. Fuck the plaintiffs, fuck the defendants, and fuck both

Habit and nostalgia are a tough monkey to shake off your back.

If you can prize a scrap of the stuff away from the whale-transport industry. 

You can’t be pissed at someone breaking the law because they’re bigger than you? The practical bits of your statement are more or less correct, but you could tone down the sermonizing by about half if you want anyone to take you seriously.

Wish I had thought to start it before work. I probably won’t even play tonight, and I’m tempted to pause the download and fire up Netflix.

I’m gonna cut you some slack, because it’s gotta be hard to form coherent opinions with that jet engine roar just above your head every moment of every day. 

I’ve had to move things off my 1TB SSD for a while now to install new games. Time to get a bigger one. But then of course I could also use a new <every component>.