
Trying to understand the latest vaguely defined “cyber” threat that your local PTA is worked up about is the real Momo Challenge.

I grew up as a burgeoning character artist and every single time my mom showed me how she would have done what I just did, I felt like I now had a goal to shoot for. She’s classically trained in fine art and generally prefers painting landscapes, and I went much more in the direction of comic book character art, but

I’m no where near as clever as Michael. but for me the process is usually this:

I’m not sure it’s that low. About 35% of credit card users pay them in full every month.

I’m sure I get gas 10x as much as I go to an ATM. 

Using a credit card has nothing to do with spending money you don’t have.  

But for all those dipshits review-bombing Apex Verge

Ah yes noted policy experts like the lady from Season 2 of Survivor, Tucker Carlson and all the other “experts” who speak on TV. Do yourself a favor and fuck all the way off. Keep to expressing these opinions online where you can avoid actual repercussions for being a fuckwit.

It seems like the shitty move is mobilizing consumers to try to enforce a near monopoly on digital sales, even though the 30% commission is usurious at best.

Bobby pin weight pedantry. Now the internet has achieved it’s true purpose.

Lok at you reading and comprehending and shit.

You just be playing an entirely different game than I am.

Regarding education, I have never in twenty years of teaching had a black parent that wasn’t on the same team with me in educating their children. They’ve never told me what books I shouldn’t teach (apparently fantasy novels promote the devil) or what eras of history I can acknowledge as real (there is no such thing

I am thankful every day, EVERY DAY that my wife and I aren’t living paycheck-to-paycheck anymore.

Looking at the time stamps I'm laughing at how this guy spent like two hours typing those responses.

In the good old days, all that would be composed using individual letters clipped from different magazines, glued to construction paper, and mailed to major newspapers using excessive postage.

I watched it last night.

We’ll always have a Maroon 5 to kick around. Before them it was Nickelback. Before them it was Creed. Before them it was Def Leppard. Before them it was the Eagles. And so on.

I want to nominate “gaming community at large acts like assholes over representation of women in games” particularly regarding Battlefield V