His rise to the top of the list of all time punchable faces, surpassing Josh Gad and Tosh and Morgan Spurlock, is nothing short of meteoric.
His rise to the top of the list of all time punchable faces, surpassing Josh Gad and Tosh and Morgan Spurlock, is nothing short of meteoric.
she is a national treasure! wish i could have done this to mike pence when i lived in indiana.
I’m 100% sure she did not get the joke.
This is a reference to the Peyton Manning incident, also at Tennessee, when a trainer said he laid his buttocks and private parts on her head, and Manning contended he only mooned her.
I love this comment. And I’d like all of you to love this comment too. And so tonight, when you hit your knees, please ask God to love it.
Like take a risk on voting for Bernie instead of Hillary. Hillary is the establishment candidate and Bernie is the outsider we totally need right now. I honestly don’t even respect Hillary anymore after the shit she’s pulled against Obama first and now Bernie.
It's highlighter yellow!
The second I read those three sentences, I thought “Okay, that’s why everyone loves Monty Williams so much.” The kind of person who can say something like that, in that situation, is the kind of person who is going to be loved by a lot of people.
you wouldn’t know razzle dazzle if it came up to you and waved its sequined hands in your face then proceded to carry Carol Channing off on a gilded surrey
So he kisses Papa John and gives a shout out to Budweiser, I am surprised he did not get carried to the stage by a fleet of Nationwide agents.
Will this never cease to be the truth??
I don’t think The Regents will use this line of argument in closing. Call it a hunch.
Alas, there are so many emotionally unfortunate ways people can be dismissive and judgemental.
It’s a *beast of a world* out there sometimes & scrambling takes moxie. Wish more people could remember that and be kind to each other.
I actually really appreciate this article’s use of “underemployed” vs “unemployed". It's respectful to artists who are usually constantly working at something but not making enough money at their art. Thanks!
He’s French so your country has little to do with it.
“Wow, what is in that cup?” Anderson asked quietly.
Just a heads up to any women who might be in a similar situation - Do NOT ask them to delete the video/photo. Its evidence, and without it there is no legal ramification.
How can this man expect to be taken seriously as a football coach if he acts like a human being?
Totally agreed. Honestly, wish there was a *much* stronger challenging field - ie: too bad there wasn’t a V.P. of the right age and mindset.