Well you know the old saying, Old Rich White Guys are Racist Assholes.
Well you know the old saying, Old Rich White Guys are Racist Assholes.
They aren’t dumping him for what he did, they’re dumping him because the world found out what they already knew. Remember that.
The best way to handle Milo is to starve him of attention. Don’t voice outrage at his stupid statements. Don’t print interviews with him. Let him have his troll festival but stay away. Don’t have a counter protest, that just feeds the beast.
“Harmony exists for no other reason than to make her owner happy.”
“They can’t stop me,” she said. “I’m an American. I have constitutional rights.”
Definitely Won The Australian Open While Pregnant
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” —Maya Angelou
Hey are you me? Likewise lived in Fond du Lac and have fond memories of when my irate father made the folks at Tommy Bartlett remove the bumper sticker they put on our car. They had just slapped on on the back bumper of the car of everyone in attendance at the water show!! That’s why you saw those bumper stickers…
I grew up there and at that time the state was quite progressive. Remember at one time they actually had a Socialist Mayor? Now they have the most regressive politics I could imagine.
Inspiring. He sounds like a genuinely nice human being. And he passed away at a place he clearly loved. Rest in peace, Mr. Kim.
My job is my job. My catharsis is cross-stitching and no one can take that from me.
Other outlets are reporting the woman’s full name is Tami Barker, and that she is an ESL instructor at a local community college. Someone’s in the wrong line of work.
We have Trump because America has a bunch of racist assholes who are willing to screw themselves over economically just to fuck over people of color? Yeah, that sounds right.
Way to set the bar at a high level! HR departments for known sexist workplaces like Fox News are the least helpful way to deal with sexual harassment. HR is there to protect the employer, not the employees. Shocking that no one went to them. Shocking, I say.
In case anyone else was wondering...
“You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”