
Complaining about someone else winning an award is gross. Complaining about a dead person winning an award is grosser. Complaining about a dead person winning some ridiculous fake award at a ceremony where half the nominees don't even show up is just pathetic.

Sneaking in the "Free-Falling" references... brilliant!!

I agree wholeheartedly. So maybe he takes these roles because he is interested in them and the process. Does he need the infinity million dollars? You know who was the real Johnny Depp all along? Brad Pitt. All thought the nineties, he supported his troubled-stud-period-dramas like a champ, the golden boy in every

Letterman hasn't been funny for years. He should have bowed out in 2005.

Looks like the Apex of Naadir's career as a baller.

I'm always impressed how animals can lose major parts of their body and/or major things like sight or hearing, and totally act like they didn't even notice and are still just super happy to be alive. Obviously not all animals bounce back so successfully, but I'm always touched by their complete live-in-the-moment

No. Taste is passing him by.

I also do not like him. I do not understand the appeal, and I hate him on Parks and Recreation. Is comedy passing me by?

This is why actors should have a back-up education, training, career, whatever, so that when their careers are over and they end up getting offers to look miserable while engaging unfunny and kind of disturbing destruction of fellow actors images and new vehicles, they can say, "No thanks, I'm going to go be a

What the fuck ever happened to Barry Sanders handing the ball to the ref after a touchdown? He could have talked so much shit after a couple 2k yard seasons... But no.. When will we realize that the more someone talks shit the more insecure they are? Sherman probably uses a night light and sucks his thumb. I miss

He's a fine actor, and he's unusual-looking (which is good for an actor—unusual faces are interesting), but he's not hunky by any means.

This is something that I've tried to explain to people and many really just don't get it. I'm not being down on myself, I'm not insecure, I'm not unhappy with my life...I have some physical deformities (beyond my odd face) that make me very unattractive, but that doesn't mean I can't be happy and live a pretty

Oh, I'm surprisingly happy with who I am as a person and have pretty high self esteem, I just don't photograph well. I've even had photographers tell me that I don't, and one warned me that I'd have to make extra effort finding a good wedding photographer if I went down that road. It's actually kind of a running

See, this is what I hate about celebrity and sites like Jezebel sometimes.

“When you're good at something, you'll tell everyone. When you're great at something, they'll tell you.”
Walter Payton

that is all.

I hope this story is true. I'd hate to antitrust Sherman after this act.

There's no arguing that McConaughey has appeared in some truly horrible, piece of crap films. For a long, terrible while, he seemed to be on the pretty boy track wherein he could merely trade on his good looks and native charm vs. putting in any sort of effort. But to give credit where it's due, he hasn't phoned in

He wasn't this animated for Stanford, either. He was intense, yeah, and often pretty jerky, but it was never as insane as this. I think three NFC championships and one Super Bowl appearance in three years have had something to do with it.