
Quint, you're gonna need a bigger quote.

"Superstars are egregiously underpaid, even when compared to other sports with a salary cap."

Can you dial it back on the correct spelling? It's ruining my suspension of disbelief?

LOL, sorry I was unclear, I meant your squirrels must be bolder! What happens when they get in and lose it?

Interesting! Growing up in the Northeast, I can't recall that they ever tried, apart from the aforementioned crawlspace.

Because I agree with everything you're saying, and you're saying it in a much better way than I think I would've, AND your logic (because it is already a law wtfakjffoejg94!!!!) makes me feel validated in my own opinion.

Reading your comment got me SO PUMPED.

The American corporate media has in relatively recent years abandoned hiring actual journalists and analyzing issues in a well-researched, historical and insightful way. Instead they hire talking heads and try to keep Americans triggered, anxious and on their toes about non-issues, all for ratings. It's really

I've yet to see a commercial airliner that breaks the sound barrier... but I'm with you on the trapped-in-a-tube part. Where else do I pay $8 for a fucking sandwich because I forgot to pack anything and the only other option is a 32-oz smoothie that would knock me flat?

"it doesn't matter what our house looks like...what our job is like...making fuckin' sales calls for Trent that douche who decides to take off work at 2pm. It doesn't matter that I graduated with my business degree two years ago! It doesn't matter that I'm gonna walk back to my seat after this speech! It doesn't

"The source said he became concerned uncovering the shaft could incriminate him in other cases"

I would groom Jon Hamm with my tongue.

Thank you so much for sharing this story. It's beautiful. I really appreciate you taking the time...

In 2003 when I was 24, I spent about five minutes backstage with Ali waiting for him to receive an award. He performed a magic trick for me, "disappearing" a red foam ball. He spoke sparsely, slurring heavily and his hands trembled quite a bit throughout. I just smiled weakly and acted amazed at his trick, mortified

Espn did something similar on Sunday Night Baseball a few years back. They played bits of a new REM song between innings, then Jon Miller and Joe Morgan sounded like they read promo copy at gunpoint.

Yep, there was that silver lining. While my older and younger sibs were keeping my parents occupied with their various shenanigans, I lived quite a colorful double life. Good grades, model behavior at school and home... then I went out with friends and whooped it up good.