
Ms. Jenner is worried she will become a laughingstock? You mean there isn’t someone on her payroll whose job it was to tell her precisely when she did become one?

This woman’s future as an A-list talent agent in Los Angeles is virtually guaranteed.

Mr. Rickles was one of the last of a dying breed: funny as fuck, generous, and accessible in a way that celebrities of today just can’t swing.

Ted Koppel.

Devin “Hard Cover” Booker.

A great point, one worth devoting a lot more time to, thanks.

A great point, thank you.

Given the toxic logic of hate groups these days, isn’t keeping their name sealed a good thing in that it doesn’t give them any gratuitous publicity for the heinous acts of a possible member?


In Ms. Yamaguchi’s defense, she amended her tweet from the original “Crack a knee cap!”

Oh, I get it—this is that iguana that appeared on the tennis court in Miami. You painted it orange, gave it a fright wig, and a clip-on tie.

How do you even work a keyboard with knuckles that must be as raw as yours?

Not to worry.

I couldn’t agree with you more about your underlying premise. Violence isn’t a valid response to another person’s expression of belief, political or otherwise.

With no comprehensive understanding of 1930s Germany, and going strictly off of Mr. Allen’s tone, I don’t think I misinterpretted his words at all. He sounded chastened and cowed to me, at the hands of the intractable Hollywood liberals, falling way short of “having it pretty good.”

I am not saying that there haven’t been isolated instances of anti-45 protestors crossing a line that the orange oil slick has drawn, actions I decry.


I meant to ‘know’ in a visceral sense, having nothing to do with express cognition. As for your status as an orphan, you have my condolences. Look on the bright side, though: Moving forward, you will never, ever eat one. And that is nothing but a victory!

We have collectively surrendered the lost art of learning how to disagree, not as a final act, but one of a beginning.

Locomotive, you are aptly named.