
You make shaky assertions, accompanied with grainy pictures.

Even the mangiest cur knows when it’s shit the floor.

It’s a latent symptom of chronic and acute white male privilege: How dare someone call him out for anything as seemingly benign as a political stance that is at odds with anything remotely sane, responsible governance, and consideraton for humanity?

What crimes do liberals commit against their political opponents that are so fear-inducing and unreasonable?

Coincidentally, the Conway cover coincides with New York magazine’s format change: Moving forward, the magazine will be available wrapped around a cardboard roll with perforated pages, much like toilet paper.

I’ve seen more meaningful interaction at the monkey house at the zoo, for fuck’s sake...

Ms. Lopez is that rare breed of toxic celebrity: the one who claims to eschew it but asserts it the minute she wants something, anything.




Oh, miss, you really need to persist!

I had the occasion to wait on Tina and her daughter three weeks ago, not being aware of exactly who they were. (I live in a bunker.) I was put on notice that they were celebrities of a certain stripe by the presence of a bodyguard at a table by himself, within a few feet of where they ate.

Oui our sew phukt.

As the emperor has no clothes, the comedian has no jokes...

What’s amazing about this is how Prince refused to surrender his artistry to the crassest commercial musical venue in the modern world—the Super Bowl Halftime Show.

Thank you deeply for enlightening us in a time when those who would be our leaders choose darkness instead of Light...

Robby Mook.

The debate over the value of unions is a classic example of how the Radical UnLeft (there is nothing ‘right’ about them) has controlled this debate by defining its terms.

The irony for me is that I wait on Wendy with some frequency these days, and she has taken Steve’s lead: she couldn’t be more genuinely courteous.

Hey, rocky!