
AHHHHHHHH I love Square One so much this comment exchange fills me with delight. “Mathman, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to reply to every *seventh* comment. But beware the DIABOLICAL Mr. Glitch! He will eat you...if you are wrong.”

I’m enjoying these reviews, Emily!

But damn, Kinja and its awfulness have destroyed both this comments section (WHERE DID THE COMMENTS GO) and one’s ability to read reviews in order (one clicks on “Season 3" and the reviews for ep 11 and ep 13 are missing—one has to click on your name to get the full list.)


Really looking forward to this. Benji & Dan are good guys (and very funny) and Showalter is an excellent match for them.

The fact that two writers get *staffed* on a show doesn't indicate that they control anything about the show, particularly network shows attempting to maneuver through heavy interference.

No, Mother, it's just the Northern Lights!




Milch really wanted to do both; because HBO had been good to him, he played the good soldier and followed the party line but no, he would've loved to do a season 4 of "Deadwood." (The cancellation of "Deadwood" also has a lot to do with Chris Albrecht, who greenlit the show, being fired around that time.)

Who are you, Hit Bull Win Steak? Do you blog? Do you write? Do you have other things that can make us collapse into hysterics? Send them to us! This is your time to shine! Because god damn, that was good.

I agree with another commenter—it would've been awesome to simultaneously film Ender's Shadow—or maybe do this as two movies. An HBO miniseries would've been awesome (Showtime doesn't really do projects of that budget size—or any sci-fi/fantasy, for that matter) but I feel like the visual size of the images

Yes, the writer gets to keep the original option fee, but once a studio has had a property and passed on it, it's *exceptionally* rare for another studio to want to pick it up; studios are very, very risk averse creatures, and tend to assume if one studio couldn't do anything with a project, they won't be able to do

It's way more complicated than that. Yes, many of us strive to get that Zen state where you create art for art's sake, but there are fields—film, TV, online series, dance, theatre—that require funding, whether for the equipment to make the art, or for rehearsal space, or to the people you're using to make the art. And

Star Trek Terran links to here:… This is a spec pilot by Alex Freedman (full disclosure: I've met him 2-3 times, but don't know him well); he's proposing a new Star Trek series that would explore the political conflicts between the Federation, Starfleet, and the government of

With blogs, you can moderate comments so that only one troll gets through, and then people can take turns whacking him (see Scalzi'z "Whatever," TNH's "Making Light.") It may be unpleasant for the moderator to have to read the stuff, but at least the community is free to engage in conversation.

But twitter isn't really

That is technically, yes, the driest possible explanation of what the five conservatives on the Court did. One suspects, though, that the goal of the Republican justices was simply to make whatever decision helped the Republican party get the most votes.

There's a very good article in the current New Republic about

Well played, sir. Well played. *applause.*

Thanks for this. Agree very much. The only thing I'd say is that if Gawker springs for 1-2 comment moderators, a lot of the idiots could be pre-screened out.

Am I the only straight guy out there who finds Lena Dunham attractive & cute and would date her in a heartbeat? (Granted, this is Lena Dunham, successful showrunner, not Hannah Horvath, unsuccessful writer, but just based on looks, either one's got it goin' on.) She's not fat. She's normal-sized, and she sure as heck

Captain Lucius Abernathy in John Scalzi's novel Redshirts.