
I mean thats one of the reasons that actors and people taht work in the industry are just the worst people to vote on what’s actually good . They dont have the time to watch ,they have biases since its their industry and worst of all , they constantly upvote any mawkish shit about how magical film making is ..bonuses

It’d help if they had an actual comedy show award , and created a second one for comedy/dramas, a rule of thumb straight comedies are usually under 30 mins , comedy hybrids are longer and usually closer to an hour ..if they did ,most of the shows nominated as a comedy (with the exception of Lasso and Abbott)would be

At least it’s nominated for a lot of Emmys. Most are in the “creative arts” but they did get nominated for Best Comedy and Comedy Writing in the past. One win or costumes, last year.

I will say, I genuinely don’t understand how Brian Cox got a nomination this year. He’s a spectacular actor and has been deserving of accolades, but he was *barely* in this season. (Culkin and Strong are both deserving; there was no reason to have three cast members up in that category from the same show when one of

I really think res dogs is the most under-appreciated show on TV.  It is effortlessly shifts from humor to drama to social commentary, and it seems to do so without ever being preachy

A major award conversation about a show also prompts the networks themselves to spend more on advertising it, and sometimes that extra bit of saturation helps.

I can’t speak to streaming as I work in physical media but I can say that Academy and Emmy nominations absolutely lead to more viewership.

This is how the Emmys have always worked, which is why I mostly ignore them. They latch on to one or two pet shows, and then those shows get all the awards for their lifespans, and no one else stands a chance until the pet show ends, at which point the Emmys select a new pet show.

What we do in the shadows should also be drowning in emmy awards. 

I think it’s insane It’s always Sunny has never been nominated for anything. It’s one of the best shows of all time 

Maybe not a huge spike in viewership, but I would definitely expect that they lead to more future opportunities for all staff involved on the show. 

Bad Sisters in the drama category and The Bear as a comedy maybe skewed some nominations.

I'm not the one who prompted Handlen's response, so I don't know if I'm butting in (and hopefully I can register a little disagreement with elements of it without coming across as an attack), but a couple things I thought while reading it: 
I think it's a little simplistic to say that a big argument against the

@avclub-1847d3ff22c6d88ad2a047c90bfa5ed8:disqus "…but you're starting to miss the big picture as to what these final episodes are about."

In an early season of Sopranos Meadow tells AJ that both white and black are symbolic of death, so I see this was a theme they had early on. Secondly, I never thought about Meadow saving Tony in the dream and then not being able to save him in the diner. I totally agree that it's Chase's intention to show this -

I think you can also make the argument (if you believe Tony died) that the hit was revenge for Phil being popped in front of his family so MOG's delay was him waiting for Tony's whole family to arrive. The scenes do have a nice symmetry if you believe Tony died.

I certainly don't reject any of these readings (and the 10 second connection, if true, is fascinating), but the show used POV shots and shots of trees to stand in for many, many things over the years. I am not a fan of taking things that can mean many things and insisting they mean only one.

Thanks Worm. There goes that theory.  I though the name at least had something to do with death (Finnerty=finite) or eternity after you die (KevINFINNERTY=infinity).  I guess Chase just came up with the name for no special reason.

Actually, to make it more obvious Chase should have had Bobby say in 'Sopranos Home Movies':

I totally agree.  But that doesn't take away from the extended white screen from Tony's POV as coming back to life and the extended black screen as Tony's final death POV.  I would assume this was intentional but who knows. It works either way.