
I'm reposting this response in support of DiamondDNice so more folk can see it.

DiamondDNice is right, but he's not making a very good case for himself, or for others.

Big Bang Theory is cosmology/physics, not biology. *Evolution,* the topic under discussion, and one which deals only with *biological* lifeforms, IS necessary to cure diseases, but your catastrophic ignorance, which will indeed lead to more humans dying, is noted for the record.

When you google "proof of evolution," a lot of links come up. Here are some of them.

False. Nice try, though. Real biologists make no distinction between macroevolution and microevolution. Both terms have to do with changes in the genetic code.

What ZinJoJo said. Much as the Koran cannot be taught in a science class, as science, Creationism cannot be taught in a science class, as science. A conservative Supreme Court ruled this in 1987, and George W. Bush-appointed John Paul Jones reinforced it in a court decision in 2005. Both of these decisions are the

Lucas (as I suspect you probably already know), the definition of a theory is the best possible evidence that fits the facts. It must be both testable and falsifiable. Creationism is a belief; you either believe God created the universe or you do not. There is "proving" or "disproving" Creationism. One can only

Simple question: If any instructor is bringing in any creationist/intelligent design materials whatsoever, isn't that a violation of Kitzmiller vs. Dover (2005), and thus, completely illegal?

Based on "Primer," it's safe to say the movie is going to be hard to access, to say the least, but Carruth is one of a kind. He wrote, directed, DPed, edited and scored that film on $7,000. I will see this in the theatres. I will be confused, but very, very happy.

This is the best thing ever. The return of "Tiempo, Tiempo, Tiempo Hatchet!" is astounding. I'm reading through 2011, 2010, and 2009 right now. Wondering how many cross-year references I missed.

What's with assuming all of these mass killers are super-rational and determined all of a sudden? We *don't* actually know that all of them would find another route to their goals. And we certainly don't know that, stripped of an *easy* route, they'd automatically succeed before being tripped up or caught along a

We remember a very different 2008 campaign, clearly. See, in the campaign *I* remember, the media spent three weeks (21 days) obsessing over Jeremiah Wright, Obama's *former* pastor whom he hadn't visited since 1988 and distanced himself from, and less than 1 day discussing the extremist views of John Hagee, whose