
“Idiot Exposed Herself to Angry Jaguar, Jaguar Behaves Appropriately.”

So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of

Your response is way better than mine. Mine was “Huh.” I mean, when you start jacking around with laws to make them bend to your will, Kansas legislators, I suppose it’s only natural that others would do the same. And, of course, either way women get the short end of the stick. Huh.

Maybe he was angry because people wouldn’t stop, collaborate, and listen.

had been suspended because he placed “his hands on a young woman.”

YES! For years I’ve said I could take all of him except the face and my friends are horrified but still I’ve persisted! There are dozens of us!

Thank you for finally speaking against Tatum, your stand has inspired in me the courage to say that he has a block head.

Guys seriously, can we just for ONCE, give props to Taylor when she does something right? You don’t have to crown her Queen of Jezebel, but legit, this was a good thing she did. Today I’m thinking of all her LBGT fans who must be feeling real fucking awesome about their fave sticking up for them politically in this

I know people have a lot of problems with Taylor Swift, but I’m glad she’s finally realised that this is not the time for silence and political neutrality.

I swear.  Taylor does what y’all beg her to do and then you still find a way to shit on her for it.  Either you want her to speak up politically or you don’t. Pick one. 

Since this is already out of the greys:

All these shithead Internet Tough Feminists, grey and otherwise, telling us how they’d never let themselves get in this situation.

Also, his pre-golf shower is an hour and a half long.

What is wrong with people? Grande is likely grieving someone she once loved and people are blaming her for his death. That’s so disgusting. We need to collectively go to our rooms and think about what we’ve done.

Because he didn’t think the things he tweeted were problematic until there was backlash.

Good roundup but those are watermelons, friend. 

I never heard her say that. In fact she praised the movement and said it was long overdue. She rightfully pointed out that she gets a lot of sexist grief from women too. I seriously doubt men are walking up to her on a daily basis screaming, when are you going to get married?!! When are you going to have a baby?!!!

I guess once you’ve been married to Tom Cruise, nothing seems scary anymore.

The Pleasure Principal. 

I think this pharmacist