
I don’t love that the Phoenix Act is being called ERW’s “pet cause”.

What a fuck-up by the franchisee and McDonald’s. The attention is on the guy being a sex offender, but the real fuck-up here was that they basically ignored him being a massive creep even before the rape not just to his subordinates, but to underage subordinates at that - something you should not tolerate even with

Maybe the part of the problem with American culture is that we are constantly asking the victims of bad behavior to change their behavior instead of the perpetrators. I have truly never experienced a culture like this and I am a child of immigrants and lived lots of places.

I’m not one of the Chrissy superfans, but I think it’s super brave and loving of her to post openly about this when it’s still such a stigmatized subject. October is pregnancy & infant loss awareness month, and many of the replies to Chrissy on Twitter do a great job of illustrating why we need to be having these

Purely out of curiosity: Are you a Whedon stan who happens to be a shitbird, or are you a bog-standard shitbird who wallows in whatever filth it finds? 

Love, respect, and solidarity to those rising up in Minneapolis, LA, Memphis, and all over this miserable country. If you want to help bail out those arrested, please contribute here:

We are definitely the coolest family ever and we live in Edina.

Not that snark has ever really been lacking at Jez, or that it isn’t deserved or fun to engage in sometimes, but this piece leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. It’s mean-spirited for no good reason, and sounds like jealousy, tbh. Also, it’s centered around one podcast episode that came out over a year ago. Just bad

Subject (and strange choice of target for scorn) aside, this isn’t even an article. There’s no through line, no theory, no point you ever get to. It’s just a collection of quotes from people with no underlying theme to hold it together. What was your conclusion after listening to all these interviews and podcasts?

I may be mistaken, but I believe these two do a decent amount of charity work. I also greatly appreciate his openness about his struggles/anxiety. This is dumb.

I think it’s a particularly stupid American idea that everyone needs to waste their money on housing in order to prove their worth as good little capitalists. That I have to be defensive and have an excuse for it to be OK for me to live with my mom is absurd. I would live with my mom even if I didn’t have this mental

I said this in a comment that will probably say in the grays because Dirt Bag is no longer that fun and therefore is less popular, but I live with my mom because (like Pete) I have a serious, chronic mental illness. I am also employed and we share living expenses. But no one cares about me as much as my mom does, and

Should I point out that Pete has a serious mental illness, and that living with a parent is maybe not the worst/most pathetic idea for an employed, single adult who struggles with suicidal ideation and other self-harm issues? No? We’re going to continue making fun of everything this person does, even though he’s

So what? Maybe he likes his mom? Maybe she keeps him grounded. I truly think that people who haven’t lost a parent can’t understand how much that experience makes you value the one you have left.

I really hope they keep leaning into everybody just being weirded the fuck out by Bran. Dragons flying around and zombies on the march and nothing makes people more uncomfortable than the home schooled kid who cuts his own hair.

I remember those days, when my wife would get clogged milk ducks.  I’d make some hot compresses, and I’d have to chase the little bastards around the living room, finally pinning them down and trying to hold the warm wash cloths and hot water bottles onto the squirmy, squishy little guys. Then after a few minutes, my

Oh. You mean her?

Right? And a “poor decision” is something you do once, like “oh, I really shouldn’t have had that much to drink last night” or “I really shouldn’t have slept with that weird guy.”  If you are repeatedly choosing to do something for two years, that’s kinda just who you are as a person.

It’s nice to know that even in the zombie apocalypse, the South still completely loses its shit in a snowstorm.