
I’ve been watching “Alone” since it began airing years ago (I was interested due to personal experience in the area where they filmed the first few seasons) and the new season couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I’ve told all of my friends about it and now there are people scattered over multiple continents

Ehhhh... I’m sorry that’s your experience. As someone who quit a high paying corporate job to follow her dreams I can tell you that it is possible to have a job that fulfills your emotional needs. I don’t get paid much, but I don’t need much. My old corporate boss used to tell me “go live by a beach and be happy” and

Mine appeared as just a very small patch on either my neck or near my clavicle (I don’t remember exactly). I would have ignored it except that I felt also like I had a pinched nerve in my shoulder and that triggered me to connect the two as shingles. I never would have if a good friend of mine hadn’t recently had

I totally agree. We haven’t had any major issues in my family with wills, but my parents always talked to us about their wills and their parents’ wills and how important they are. Not just for making things clear legally and having everything go where you want it to, but even in my case where I am a single woman with

Exactly. Just because she has a history of mental illness/addiction, people shouldn’t make assumptions. I overdosed on morphine IN A HOSPITAL following surgery. I was given Narcan, which was the most physically painful and traumatic experience of my life at at the time I wished they had let me die. It is heartbreaking

Honestly, if you’ve got good health care then don’t wait until you get to a breaking point where it’s all too much to handle. Because at that point you likely won’t be thinking clearly enough to seek help. Try to work on it when you’re not in a state of utter despair so you can hopefully prevent the breaking point

I thought it only happened in the movies.

I disagree. I was raised to have a strong work ethic. My previous career started with my dad making a phone call and I felt a huge amount of pressure to work my ass off to earn what was given to me. To earn my own reputation and to not negatively impact those who pulled strings to get my foot in the door. After that,

I’ll bite. Her name is Alexis and she thought she was wearing a dolphin suit (which made ZERO goddamn sense and everyone kept telling here it was a shark and she insisted it was a dolphin?). Her “profession” stated under her name was “aspiring dolphin trainer” because apparently she loves dolphins so much she wants a

TOTALLY. But I also bet your shady relatives would make a point of un-removing themselves from your life if you were marrying into the royal family. Her half-sister, in particular, disgusts me.

I don’t think any woman has gone without experiencing this horrible and frustrating wage gap. I have and likely will again. But can I offer you a glimmer of hope for the world? I had a well paying corporate job where I did see injustices regarding compensation and gender. At one point I was promoted but without a

I actually thought this movie was called “The Greatest SNOWman” until this article. I was super confused about it when I watched the trailer and wondered where the snowman fit in...

This is so true and a very fresh feeling for me. I have a former co-worker who is married with children and has crossed the line repeatedly and I just kept letting it go because we worked together. We don't work together anymore but I still see him at certain functions and last night made the stupid mistake of having

Brilliant, and very funny.

How in the hell did you get used to it? 31 years and I'm still not used to it. In fact, every year I am more of a wimp about it.

I'm with you. I almost broke down and bought one two weeks ago but didn't want to spend $750 on a coat. Instead I spent $126 for four days of parking so I didn't have to freeze my ass off waiting for the bus... I was THRILLED to go out Saturday night wearing my leather jacket!

I knew someone here would have already proposed this answer! We have a shit ton of snow and slush where I live right now, so anything else just isn't an option. I bought my Hunters in the summer when my city flooded in a major way. So for winter I bought the adorable white knitted fleece socks and I have been getting

I grew up in a house where candles were not permitted to be lit ever, so this is a terrifying concept to me. I do have an honest logistical question, though. How do the candles attach to the tree? Maybe you have better trees where you live, but every time I've cut down my own tree it looks pretty sad like Charlie

I no longer have a need for any other gif.

Seriously? Ok, no. Definitely not right now.