
I know you're dealing with the same. Does this show seriously have a rape club in it though? I'm not sure if I could handle that even without the current state of mind.

I can't watch videos. What my heart went through just reading this article was more than enough. I want to unknow about this and I also want to get on a flight to NZ and see if these boys can handle what someone their own size can dish out.

Poppet, I'm raging harder than I've raged in a while. And I also feel so sad for humanity. Back to GT where I belong to join the feel-better gif party.

Noted. I've wanted to watch it, but I will wait until the post-breakup blues are gone!

Someone, somewhere, would have pleasant dreams about those pants. And I am going to have nightmares both about that person and the pants themselves.

I'm sorry, but that's the picture related to this article that is going to give you nightmares???

Wow. ERIC IS A PRIEST???? STEPHANO IS STILL AROUND??? (Actually, I suppose Stephano doesn't surprise me that much...) Kristen is marrying Brady? Oh dear God, I just can't... I have so many questions. Too many questions. I watched this show years and years ago (I still love Carrie and Austin) and will very occasionally

That is nice to hear and lines up with everything else I have heard about that cast and crew!

Hahahaha OMG Chretien. That's all I have to say about that.

As a huge fan of both Breaking Bad and A Song of Ice and Fire, I am SO JEALOUS.

I figured he just read the book.

I have a DVD player, a DVR, Netflix and Apple TV. What in the world would I need a blu-ray player for? They're practically as obsolete as video rental stores.

More likely from all of the giggling. My god that would tickle. I thought the one on my ankle tickled badly enough.

I, personally, like to think that Chris Pratt added that little detail.

Totally not unusual. I worked at a vet clinic for three years. The clinic pets included a cat that slept behind the reception computer monitor (and caused all kinds of mischief), skinny pigs (hairless guinea pigs), owl finches, bearded dragons, hedgehogs (rolling through the waiting room in its ball), guinea pigs,

Awesome! I will definitely check it out. I didn't get to it last night because I have been finding it hard to get into anything other than reading since I started The Dark Tower series. I can't wait to be finished this goddamn book.

Yay! Now I have plans for tonight!!! What sort of alocholic beverage would you suggest pairs well with Bob's Burgers?

You've got that right! Made one for my BF's birthday a couple of years ago and it was wonderful. We spent so much time perfecting the tootsie poos. Even nuked some to give the side of the box a little diarrhea & skid mark action.

Is this Bob's Burgers? I have never seen it but did notice it's on Netflix. I used to love Family Guy but that grew tired fairly quickly for me. Is this one more clever? Should I be checking it out?