
I worked as a nurse in a locked psych facility. One of my NAC’s lost a baby this way. She was not prosecuted because I don’t live in a shit state, apparently. She was just gutted over it, because she had no education in her life that had ever led her to be able to understand how the biology of all this works. She

Oh my god.

Yes. Nothing says ‘let’s sit down and really weigh the pros and cons’ like meth addiction.

Just sad all around.

Yes, these poor meth-addicted people are just selfish, that’s the problem /s

I just feel sorry for everyone. I am lucky to have been to jail for a few minor things (breaking apartment lease, not going to court = court of contempt and they WILL issue warrant for your 18-year-old broke ass!) and to have met women who have lost babies to drugs. I no longer have any anger or judgment, it’s all

“I hope im not coming off as endorsing the people doing the harassing”

Of course they are.

Holy fuck are you seriously trying to coach complete strangers on how they should conduct themselves in their relationships? This is wild

Not every role is for every actor and this is pretty widely acknowledged and not all that controversial, unless you want to be purposefully obtuse about it. Selma wouldn’t really have been the same movie with Brad Pitt playing MLK now would it? I, Tonya woulda been kinda weird with Leonardo Dicaprio playing Tonya

Is it because she’s a bad actress so feels she has to take any role offered to her?

I have some questions, Bobby, and I care enough to ask the questions despite not caring at all about the people or issues in question.

1. What if Twitter verified the wrong Cheryl?

2. What if the @Cheryl handle is shared by all Cheryls globally and one new Cheryl each day is chosen to tweet and one is forced to

It’s been so long I don’t even know what that’s referring to anymore. 

I’ve seen brochures. It looks like fun.

Props to anybody still doin’ it.

I’m ideologically opposed to most organized religion and most of what they do violates my deeply held beliefs and personal dogma.

She wasn’t yelling.  And, confronting these assholes whenever and wherever you have the chance is good.

Yup.  Gotta have that “woman-with-a-toddler” shield.

I’ve noticed that his answer to any issue that requires any nuance is, “We’ll see what happens.” And he does this so that WHATEVER happens, he can either take credit or place blame.  He doesn’t give one shit about abortion - and I’m sure he’s paid for his fair share.  He only cares about what will make people like him

She’s doing well for herself these days