I get it. And I’m not trying to minimize that this was fucked up (because it was pretty fucked up)
I get it. And I’m not trying to minimize that this was fucked up (because it was pretty fucked up)
The funny part of this is that no one would care if he didn’t have a cute name:
“He and his cartel make El Chapo look like Jean Valjean.”
She knows that we know what she looks like right?
Just four short years until we can watch NBA players enthusiastically going out of their way to dunk on him.
Well the good ladies will all be taken because Michael Vick will beat him to the party.
My favorite “cleaning out a dorm” story.
I’m with you, man.
Oh... yeah. I really need to stop my drinking at ten in the morning habit.
Subtle - I like it.
Oh... oh dear God.
Rob, you sound like a director e-mailing his lead actress the night before a particularly gratuitous nude scene.
Wait what the fuck was this?
I’d like to take a quick moment to thank all the morons who condescendingly commented that OF COURSE they would find out who did this and fire them.
Fun fact! Jim Carey has never played the Joker.
I’m not a lawyer - but I don’t think so. Medical staff sign documents specifically acknowledging that they are aware they are handling sensitive PHI and there are penalties for it’s unauthorized distribution. As far as I know it’s kind of like Greenwald and Snowden, the leaker is liable, but the journalist is…
Yes. But as I replied to another commenter medical records are not treated with great care in most places because it’s simply too much hassle. Another commenter pointed out that the photos appear to come from the general board posted in the OR, meaning anybody from the surgeons to the janitors probably walked by it.