Who has ever said Mark Cuban is beloved among players?
This is a stupid question, but is there a quick and dirty explanation for why the non-taxpayer MLE is higher than the taxpayer MLE is higher than the under the cap MLE?
No. You really do not work in medicine. Not in the US anyway.
Does it say more about the Clippers or DJ that they feel the need to literally NOT LET HIM SPEAK with anyone from the Mavs?
“Entered the charts.” Thank you for saving my time bothering to reply to you.
It does, but as someone who has worked in medicine for a while, you learn anytime something happens to someone famous the phone calls start to come in almost immediately asking for stuff. They promise anonymity, and it’s pretty hard to track down who leaked it unless TMZ or whoever tells you.
“But Alex Rodriguez liked it so much, he stole the song for himself.”
But at least he’s polite enough to be poking you with his finger.
She is an actual superhero.
What’s unfortunate is that I think I’d like to hear from the “real” Simmons. You don’t get to where he is without some intelligence and a hell of a lot of ambition; and reading between the lines of everything with ESPN in the past few years he comes off like a pretty vicious political infighter.
All totally true - and he’s not even as good as he once was. Just don’t think it’s quite fair to shit all over him like his success is this big accident.
It’s easy now, almost a decade and a half later, to mock Simmons for the self parody that he very obviously has become.
Jesus Fucking Christ.
“The shots! There were six of them! That’s extreme.”
Am I missing something? They get 27 games total (many of which were sub-par due to rust) from the reigning MVP, and Ibaka misses a quarter of the season, and they are still in the hunt for the 8 seed in a historically loaded contest.
My favorite part of this clip is that Beasley doesn’t even notice.
Seriously, why would you bother? It’s like making up a story about Dennis Rodman.
Not to mention that a lot of the appeal of the plot was Martin's willingness to buck convention and be more ruthless/nasty than epic fantasy authors usually would.