Box score for that game gives you a Cavs-Raps game from March 25, 2014.
Box score for that game gives you a Cavs-Raps game from March 25, 2014.
Two Points:
"the best medical care the CA taxpayer can provide"
Can you imagine what people would say about these shitty movies if everyone DIDN'T love Jennifer Lawrence? The cast and crew should all send her gift baskets every Christmas for the rest of her life.
Please tell me that you posting those videos, then writing everything you wrote up there before getting huffy about people commenting on the mom's attractiveness is a deliberate satire of internet writer cluelessness.
Playing mind-meltingly shitty defense.
Wow - a college aged, middle class, white kid who ACTUALLY doesn't see color.
Yeah seriously. This is a great idea up until he raises either leg six inches off the ground and you catch the outside of his shin instead. Also, it's fascinating to me how much people underestimate the difficulty of delivering a hard and accurate blow quickly with any part of your body to any part of your opponents…
"Milo, what am I, chopped liver?"
Ah, the backwards hat and cargo shorts - the official uniform of dads in their 40's broadcasting to the world that they are still hip young groovy cats at heart.
My favorite part:
Has Kobe ever led the league in techs before? I really feel this is the year.
Burneko if I wanted to listen to some alcoholic halfwit yell at me about what I will and won't eat I'd go visit my parents.
I found it amusing/sad that the most recent big piece written about JJ Watt - I think it was for SportsOnEarth, might have been SI - basically came out and said that he has no friends. But since it was a puff piece that was framed as him being single-mindedly and consummately devoted to football and not as him being a…
Jose really misunderstood when she told him she wanted a fingerbang.
He and Tom Brady should hang out.
I honest to God cannot imagine ANYONE wanting him on that contract. He makes half of the salary cap.