First of all - this list should consist of one entry: "The Long Run"
First of all - this list should consist of one entry: "The Long Run"
Watching Sherman attempt to keep up this "best corner in the world" nonsense when he leaves and doesn't have Earl Thomas behind him is going to be amusing.
[redacted for reading failure]
I get the impression the the Los Angels of Anaheim thing did not exactly endear him to the city of Anaheim or it's residents.
Upon seeing her picture in the police station, Alex confronts Katie and becomes angry that she didn't trust him enough to even tell him her real name, Erin.
I also love that Cage-as-Archer sneaks into his house to talk to his wife looking like the man that brutally murdered her son in cold blood, and within three minutes has convinced her that he's actually her husband...
"I'm going public"
Sounds like pretty run of the mill road rage - not drunk or crazy.
Clearly he just mentally mixed up John 3:16 and Psalm 23, which are both among the Bible's most quoted passages.
God dammit - it just HAD to be the white guy that could jump really high that started stealing things didn't it?
What if I just cut big hunks of cheese and eat them without any grilling, or bread, or regard for the human dignity that I once possessed?
Yeah who gives Brooks a pass? It's like a parlor game with hoops fans to try and figure out why he still has a job.
Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7The LORD said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land,…
Your screen name is a reference to a 16 year old sitcom episode about coming up with a comeback too late, and you just insulted a comment I made a month ago.
Given Gawker's past history I feel very comfortable saying I have 100 percent faith that you guys will not completely buttlefuck this.
Is it weird that 3 minutes into that video I was yelling advice at my screen?
Thank God we have brave white people like Albert to explain to us how Jason Whitlock, Rembert Browne, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar don't recognize racism.
I don't watch a ton of baseball but that first throw from Puig didn't look too awful - was it really that bad?
Well what is his lawyer supposed to say?