
Games are expensive to make, sure, but live services are only lucrative if they get a large player base that sticks around.

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The Line don’t play about. They’ve done a lot of brilliant work, and oughtta be recognized.

Depends on the task but for modern-ish gaming other than cloud yes.

I’m going to dissect this bullshit one bit at a time:

I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

That totally makes sense, especially if your preference is something like JRPGs. I guess what I really like is the space to wander. I can take breaks from the story and still stay in the world. I study literature so I probably subconsciously gravitate to less-linear games for unwinding. 

I get what you’re saying, but I think you are assuming certain elements are true of all open world games when that simply isn’t true. To each there own, but when I think of the best examples of video game storytelling personally, they are largely open world for me: Red Dead Redemption (1+2), Zelda (pretty much any of

Yeah, I just haven’t played Hades out of them. And FFVIIR and TLOU2 were my favorites this year! Love Ghost of Tsushima, am finishing it right now, but it just isn't up there. Gorgeous, though.

Na. Botters should be.  But if people buy it fairly like everyone else, then it is theirs to do as they please.

As a Hispanic person (though not Mexican), please let me say - those emotes are totally, totally fine.

Sure, why not?

Including other streamers who apparently need to “react” to an apology video. Like christ, seriously? You’re video is you reacting to someones apology? I mean an announcement of some kind like a song, game, or big world event? Sure. 

Oh personally I didn’t get upset, I found it ironic and funny (and not in the haha sense, but funny that Epic would try to paint themself as the underdog.)

I think part of the issue is that it’s Epic that is using it. Epic isn’t some plucky upstart struggling to make money, they are one of the people that 1984 is warning about. At least back when Apple originally made the ad, they could be considered the underdog. This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black and

But it is crossing a line. It’s literally using the principles laid out in 1984 to get its users to fight against another company in the Brand Loyalty Wars.

In many people’s view it’s a monopoly because it’s a specific closed market, not an entire sector. For instance if there’s only one cable TV company providing service in a state for example there may be others nationwide but it’s an effective monopoly because there’s no competition. So because Apple enforces a trading

You can also post something, then disable notifications for the post. The same goes for Reddit. This way, you can still get your two cents in without being dragged into a 5 hour long argument with a brick wall.

Yep, this sums up my love for the game perfectly. 

Gah. Ugh. Gahhhhhh. I don't like it!

Filing a lawsuit is thousands of times cheaper when you act as your own attorney. (Of course, as the old saying goes, "you get what you pay for.") The real question is why hasn't he been counter-sued into oblivion for wasting actual people's real time with frivolous lawsuits?